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Full Version: We have been off line
Elvis-TheKingsCourt > Elvis-TheKingsCourt >
I have no idea why, but the board was off line for a few hours earlier. Waiting to hear what the problem was.

Still, we are back and we still managed a radio show as always. bye1.gif
I'm glad I done all my talking on the forum..before we went
off line Chris chatterbox.gif

Just new it was going to be one of them days after my electric went off
at 5.20pm today biggrin.gif

Thanks Chris for the radio...even if I didn't hear much of it..I appreciate
it very much.

Thanks for the chat everyone..even if I was not there for long cheers.gif

Yep... i noticed that too sad.gif still ... made me more eager than ever to get back on line cool2.gif
Suspicious Minds
I contacted Jordan about last night. He said it was a fault in the datacentre in Houston. This happened a year ago if you remember. I could not open forum or Radio to listen to. It was after 9.30pm when I joined the show. I tried opening radio on the home page but could not see were to open radio. Chris, please can you post something on were to access radio if this problem happens again. When it's faulty like last night I cannot open chatroom or radio.

taz.gif wings_hmm.gif
It is a pain when the forum goes down, but a HUGE Thank You to Chris for still putting on the show, and I was glad when we got 'home' for my dancing was great.

THANKS CHRIS notworthy.gif notworthy.gif notworthy.gif
Just glad to see the forum up and running well!!! clap.gif
Never noticed a thing blush.gif tongue.gif

Glad to hear all i ok though. Keep up the great work guys clap.gif
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