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Full Version: Picture of the week
Elvis-TheKingsCourt > Elvis-TheKingsCourt > NightRiderDesigns Updates
This weeks picture is up. Its a cool shot from todays date..back in '77. Hope it is new to you...and if not...hope you enjoy it anyway.


The new site is talking shape....this might be the last pic of the week for a few weeks whilst i work on getting the new one up and running....but i will add a few new weekly pictures when i do change it over...
QUOTE (NightRider @ Feb 21 2010, 10:33 PM) *
This weeks picture is up. Its a cool shot from todays date..back in '77. Hope it is new to you...and if not...hope you enjoy it anyway.


The new site is talking shape....this might be the last pic of the week for a few weeks whilst i work on getting the new one up and running....but i will add a few new weekly pictures when i do change it over...


shall be link them back and forth (Yours to mine, mine to yours ? just kidding Chris...)

Nice to see another Newton picture.. (for some reason I have few of his pictures in my collection...)

HE SURE TOOK SOME GOOD ONES... thanks for including it Chris...
Nice, Chris ! notworthy.gif
Thanks Rex and Shaun thumbup.gif

@Rex...the first few sets i had of Newton didn't impress me too much. Heis, Hill and Alverson ( and others ) were much better....but as i got more sets...they seemed to get better and better. Some of his pics are stunning. He is now up there with any of the others IMO.
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