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What do you think ? Sure has a vast collection undecided.gif

Suspicious Minds
Did you get a copy of your Interview at Graceland?
QUOTE (Suspicious Minds @ Jan 3 2010, 09:53 AM) *
Did you get a copy of your Interview at Graceland?

Nope...never did Frank confused.gif
Suspicious Minds
QUOTE (NightRider @ Jan 3 2010, 11:02 AM) *
Nope...never did Frank confused.gif

Have you asked Graceland about your radio Interview?
I understood they promised you a copy back at the time.
QUOTE (NightRider @ Jan 3 2010, 09:51 AM) *
What do you think ? Sure has a vast collection undecided.gif

Dr Vernon Chadwick of the Elvis International Conference fame took us to Gracelandtoo in September 1999.

Paul Macleod certainly knows how to make a few dollars from his obsession. :-) His false teeth were falling out as he sang an Elvis song for the three of us.
His essay about Elvis is in "In Search of Elvis" edited by Vernon Chadwick. So is his son's

We have a photo of his son Elvis.
Elvis Macleod left the building in search of romance and now lives in New York? Paul Macleod can talk and talk and talk and he does. He told us how TV Documentary people call and when they hear his terms start to leave but always come back, he said, because they have travelled thousands of miles to see his collection. :-)

We did not see anything of REAL value. Just thousands of pictures and photos of all his visitors including ourselves. :-)

The less savoury media is now using him.

We all know why.
Don't know anything other than what's been posted on this person - so can't comment. Don't think of anyone here as being obsessed.

Given a choice I'd much rather go and see Mr. Vegas 74's collection. Think I could spend a few days there.
Wonder if you get in trouble if you play with the train set? whistling.gif
There's no doubt about it that he's a real fan..

Youtube has more movies about him,the press "found" him already years ago.
He's always good for an "extreme fan" story...

Altough his stuff could be called "Tacky" his feelings are pure...

It's a fan with a weird side...but harmless....
First In Line
I like his collection and his dedication. For some reason some fans think it's too much or crap because it's not worth anything. But I think he collects it not for the hopes of it being valuable one day but because he likes to collect it. A similar thread is being discussed on another forum right now. Needless to say most of the participants there are, as usual, making themselves look like jerks for making fun of Paul. I've always admired his collection. Wish I had it. If people make fun of him I wonder what they would do if they saw some of the members of this forum and other forums collections? I bet they would be ready to have them committed lol
Totally agree Matt. To each their own....and like you say....i expect eyes would be raised should folks see some of the members of TKCs collections. I love passion is CDs...but i can understand anyone with a specific special interest in Elvis. Fair play to him i say. thumbup.gif
First In Line
I agree Chris. It don't matter to me if I'm looking at a fans book collection, dvd collection, cd collection, magazine collection, etc. I always enjoy looking at what everyone collects. It's ashame all fans can't think with open minds like us. I sometimes find myself googling "Elvis collections" and other keywords to see what I can find lol I just love looking at how people display their stuff and what they love collecting smile.gif
Most of us original Elvis fans can fill all the walls of a room and more space with our Elvis collections and I have done so a few times for newspapers and TV. Then We take the stuff down.

But Paul Macleod lost his wife to his obsession, and then his son who walked out on him.

The TVs supposedly gathering all mentions of Elvis world-wide were not working, neither were the computers since young Elvis Macleod gave up the struggle to make a living from the venture.

Having said that, Paul is a nice enough man. But the reality at Gracelandtoo is a lot different to the TV and video coverage we see.
It's further than i would ever go, but hey, who am I to judge anyone undecided.gif
QUOTE (C.C.Rider @ Jan 4 2010, 08:19 AM) *
It's further than i would ever go, but hey, who am I to judge anyone undecided.gif

Well thoughts too!
QUOTE (Bazza @ Jan 4 2010, 01:31 PM) *
Well thoughts too!

Great minds, eh Bazza laugh.gif
QUOTE (C.C.Rider @ Jan 4 2010, 01:19 PM) *
It's further than i would ever go, but hey, who am I to judge anyone undecided.gif

Good point that Avatar notworthy.gif
QUOTE (NightRider @ Jan 4 2010, 06:26 PM) *
Good point that Avatar notworthy.gif

LSHIC.gif me too buddy, thanks a million for letting me use it cheers.gif
QUOTE (C.C.Rider @ Jan 4 2010, 06:28 PM) *
LSHIC.gif me too buddy, thanks a million for letting me use it cheers.gif

Pleasure..... woohoo.gif
QUOTE (Matt @ Jan 3 2010, 04:12 PM) *
I like his collection and his dedication. For some reason some fans think it's too much or crap because it's not worth anything. But I think he collects it not for the hopes of it being valuable one day but because he likes to collect it. A similar thread is being discussed on another forum right now. Needless to say most of the participants there are, as usual, making themselves look like jerks for making fun of Paul. I've always admired his collection. Wish I had it. If people make fun of him I wonder what they would do if they saw some of the members of this forum and other forums collections? I bet they would be ready to have them committed lol

I was there and he talks too much about non-sense. I wouldn't want half of the things he has. The stuff is dusty and mainly people go there to have a laugh. But the problem is really hard to get out there since he never shuts the hell up.

I saw some bootlegs hanging from one of the cold rooms. Man it was cold there. Anyway it is 24 hours open ....he sleeps in his sofa ... whistling.gif
memphis 77
i've known paul for years and hes a dedicated fan over the yeras he has went through alot of downs but has ailways acomadated any fan who wants to hear about E.P. his photo collection is to be seen as is his magazine collection and of course record collection he is the most sincere fan i know , to bad many find him nuts because he is a walking encyclopedia and a great guy - good on ya paul many years of life to you.
First In Line
QUOTE (memphis 77 @ Jan 6 2010, 12:05 AM) *
i've known paul for years and hes a dedicated fan over the yeras he has went through alot of downs but has ailways acomadated any fan who wants to hear about E.P. his photo collection is to be seen as is his magazine collection and of course record collection he is the most sincere fan i know , to bad many find him nuts because he is a walking encyclopedia and a great guy - good on ya paul many years of life to you.

Great post David smile.gif
Don't care if he is or not. Wouldn't mind his collection ! cowboy.gif
I have seen this guy on documentries and i think he is a really dedicated elvis fan... i dont think he is nuts.... he is a genuine fan and great for him for what he has done...he just wants to show fans around the world how much of a fan he is... as for him talking rubbish well i think we all can do that at some time.. lol if the guy is happy doing what he does leave him alone.

elvislady biggrin.gif
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