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Full Version: Week picture # 27 "June 30th - 2008"
Elvis-TheKingsCourt > Elvis-TheKingsCourt > NightRiderDesigns Updates
This weeks picture comes from a lot of 10 - 20 photos I got from this show, all taken by the same photographer, none of the photos I have, have infos on the back, so I cant give credit to anyone, I think "I`m Leaving Fan Club" can be some info undecided.gif

The picture is from November 13, 1972 (8:30 pm). San Bernardino, CA....

Enjoy it, and have a nice week.

Great pic Kenny, many thanks!
Super cool shot! The "Royal Blue Fireworks" has very much grown on me on the past months... it has become one of my favourites (see my avatar wink.gif ).
Thats Awesome Kenny. Thanks !! notworthy.gif
IMPRESSIVE picture Kenny,nothing less!! notworthy.gif
Ultra cool Kenny mate notworthy.gif
Love this pic (and suit) Kenny .. Thanks !
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