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Elvis-TheKingsCourt > All Elvis > All Elvis
What do you think of elvis relationship with his father?? I have been reading some stuff about vernon in revelations of the memphis mafia and it said elvis and vernon had a rough start in the beginning, but by the looks of the pictures it seems like they really got closer as the years went by, guess l was wondering what everyone else thought about there relationship.
King Of Graceland
I think that Elvis had a very good relationship with his father.
Suspicious Minds
I think Vernon worried about the spending spree's by Elvis. Vernon new the value of money from the depression years.
I think Elvis and Vernon did get on well together after both of them had divorced marriages.
Their relationship grew as they got older IMO. I don't think it was that good when Elvis was young. Vernon had a reputation of being a bit "heavy" handed back then undecided.gif
memphis 77
i think their relationship was a typical father son one, but the fact that ELVIS was the bread winner did cause some strain, i would imagine and vernon was often reminded of ELVIS being the sole provider, i just wish that vernon had got the chance to write his own book/memoirs, very little is known about this man.
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