Nov 10 2007, 11:35 AM
King Creole LP (Released August 1958)
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Such a tough choice. This Soundtrack has to be one of his very best. Strong from start to finish. Was Elvis great in the role of Danny Fisher ? I should say. Elvis played the role as if it was made for him.
Favourite track ? I went for "Trouble", but there are so many others that it could have been
Suspicious Minds
Nov 10 2007, 12:21 PM
I voted for Young Dreams.
A track you never get tired of.
My No 1 film track of the 50's for me.
I love this film and soundtrack but Young Dreams gets my vote.
Nov 10 2007, 02:45 PM
His best overall soundtrack? Very possibly......."Trouble" has become a very highly regarded "Elvis Classic" over the years, with Elvis even reaching back to it himself in '68 as the opening song to his NBC TV Special. It's a quintessential track and no matter how great subsequent performances may have been, none equal the treatment given to the original Master Take featured on this GREAT LP!
Nov 10 2007, 03:53 PM
"Trouble" wins for me too,one of those real classic recordings with an enourmous impact.
Nov 10 2007, 11:27 PM
I went for Trouble as well..though Crawfish and New Orleans are also favourites..
Definetly one of the strongest soundtracks of his movie career..
And also the best opening sequence of any Elvis film...the song and Elvis (even though hes just putting on his shirt and combing his hair)..he makes it look soo cool..fantastic opener!!
Nov 11 2007, 02:28 AM
Hard Headed Woman...sound"s like no other song in his song book...A1
Nov 14 2007, 08:35 PM
Once again there are so many I could have voted for, but my vote goes to Elvis' delivery of "Young Dreams". Beautiful vocal work!
Nov 30 2007, 01:15 PM
It still send shivers down my spine when i see the movie or just hear the song.
Nov 30 2007, 08:06 PM
QUOTE (NightRider @ Nov 10 2007, 12:35 PM)

King Creole LP (Released August 1958)
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Such a tough choice. This Soundtrack has to be one of his very best. Strong from start to finish. Was Elvis great in the role of Danny Fisher ? I should say. Elvis played the role as if it was made for him.
Favourite track ? I went for "Trouble", but there are so many others that it could have been

joined you - his best film ever (documentaries excepted). other choices would have been 'new orleans', 'king creole' and 'hard headed woman'.
hugs, ellie
..... plus found that cover - which i just
LOVE - in a really nice size
Brad M
Mar 26 2008, 02:32 PM
TROUBLE=That's Elvis the whole way...
Apr 4 2008, 11:15 AM
Hard Headed Women for me.The Fast pace of how Elvis sings this is amazing
Jul 8 2008, 09:48 PM
New Orleans for me just to be different. Just think its very bluesy. Dixieland rock would have gotten my second vote if we were allowed two LOL
King Of Graceland
Aug 28 2008, 10:44 AM
I voted for Trouble
colonel snow
Mar 24 2014, 06:07 PM
The poorest track is Steadfast loyal and true; I understand it's written for a certain scene in the movie. It's a pity that they have not chosen at the time for track M take 6 (later on released on Essential Elvis vol. 3).
colonel snow
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