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Elvis-TheKingsCourt _ Elvis Monthly _ Elvis, his life year by year.

Posted by: Pacer Sep 7 2006, 10:21 AM

In this series of articles I would like to lay out Elvis' life on a year to year basis, highlighting as many key events as possible, both profesionally and personally that occured during his lifetime.I have decided to start in 1953 the year that Elvis turned 18 and of course the year when he would make his first venture into a recording studio.

March 26
An 18 year old Elvis Presley signs on at the Tennessee State Employment Security office. His address is now 462 Alabama during their 5 years in Memphis (since moving from Tupelo Miss)the Presley family (Elvis his father Vernon and mother Gladys)have moved many times due mostly to the fact that they are continually earning more in wages than the Memphis housing projects will allow.
The interviewer at the security office notes "rather flashily dressed playboy type" on his application
April 9
Elvis takes part in the annual Humes High School Minstrel Show singing Till I Waltz Again With You by Teresa Brewer. Despite being wrongly listed on the bill as Elvis Prestly after his performance Elvis suddenly becomes very popular in school.
June 3
Elvis receives his High School diploma.
July 1
Elvis starts work on a temporary basis at M.B Parker Co. on an assembly line making $36 a week.
Around this time Elvis visits Sun Studios on Union Ave he has frequented the premises on a number of occasions making small talk with the lady on the front desk Marion Keisker usually enquiring as to whether she knows of any groups that may be looking for a singer however, this time he takes things a step further and decides to cut a record at his own expense hoping that this will attract at least Marion's attention as the owner Sam Phillips is not present. He records 2 songs "My Happiness" and "That's When You're Heartaches Begin" whilst accompanying himself on guitar.
Aug 21
Colonel Tom Parker the self titled one time carny operator who is now working as manager for country singer Eddy Arnold receives a telegram from his client informing him that his services are no longer required. Parker who is fast becoming well known for his rather unique management skills is taken aback by this and finds himself temporarily unemployed.
Sept 21
Back at work this time for Precision Tools Elvis is now assembling shelves for $1.55 an hour a job he will keep until March '54.
Elvis again returns to Sun Studios cutting another 2 songs "I'll Never Stand In You're Way " and " It Wouldn't Be The Same Without You" like the previous time Marion takes some interest in his singing though nothing comes of it.
Also around this time Elvis begins dating 14 year old Dixie Locke they see each other frequently and often attend the all night gospel sing in's at Ellis Auditorium which features such groups as The Blackwood Brothers and Elvis' favourites The Statesmen and especially the lead singer Jake Hess.
March 19
Due to constant tormenting about his dress sense and length of his hair from fellow work mates Elvis leaves his job at Precision Tools.
April 20
Starting out as a truck driver Elvis begins work for Crown Electric Co. Hoping one day to train as an electrician.
June 26
Marion phones Elvis to ask if he would be interested in trying out a song that Sam Phillips has acquired, a ballad called "Without You" Elvis is at the studio practically before she hangs up the phone, but the session is unsuccessful as Elvis struggles with the song.
July 3
A young guitarist called calls at Elvis' house he has been given Elvis' name by Sam Phillips and Scotty is wondering whether he would like to audition for his group the Starlight Wranglers. The next day Elvis meets up with Scotty and bass player to run through some songs none of which seem to work though Scotty after talking with Sam agrees that it could be worth a try in the studio to see if they can come up with something better.
July 5
Now in the studios at Sun the trio tries to come up with something to impress the owner Sam Phillips without much luck. However during a "break" Elvis begins to fool around with a country song called "That's All Right" Scotty and Bill join in and suddenly Sam hears that "something "he has been waiting for. The three do a couple of more takes to iron out the edges and soon a master take is complete.
Sam is very excited about this song and despite having no B side as yet he decides to play the record for Dewey Philips (no relation to Sam) a local disc jockey, in the hope of getting some air time. Dewey loves the song and plays it on his next show. Gladys and Vernon listen intently to hear Elvis' song on the radio for the first time but Elvis himself can't stand the tension and decides to go the movies. The song is played and the switchboard lights up as callers go crazy wanting to know more about the record. Dewey calls Elvis' home to get him to come over for an interview so Vernon and Gladys have to chase Elvis down at the movie theatre and take him over to the studio where Dewey is playing the record over and over again.
During the coming days Elvis Scotty and Bill are back in the studio frantically trying to come up with a B side worthy of "That's All Right" and once again by pure chance they stumble across "Blue Moon Of Kentucky" during another improvised session.
July 12
Due to the complete confidence in their new single Scotty Moore now becomes Elvis' manager
and booking agent with the 3 agreeing to split all earnings 50% to Elvis and 25% each to Scotty and Bill.
July 17
The trio play the Bon Air club in Memphis singing the two songs on their first single.
Having been away on vacation in Florida Dixie is quite surprised on her return to see so how so much has changed for Elvis in such a short time.
July 26
Sam Philips signs Elvis to a contract with Sun records for a two year period with a further two year option to be added at the company's discretion.
July 30
Elvis and the boys appear at the Overton Park Shell in Memphis their biggest venue to date. Elvis' family, Dixie and Sam Phillips are among the crowd. It's at this show that Elvis' gyrations first begin to come to attention whether it is nerves on Elvis' part or just an unconscious movement to the music the reaction from the crowd is amazing. And this sets the precedent for most shows thereafter.
Billboard magazine in a review of his first single hail Elvis as "a strong new talent".
Throughout this month and up until November the trio regularly play at The Eagles Nest nightclub in Memphis honing their stage talents. As well as making ever more regular appearances on the Louisiana Hayride
Also around this time it is announced Col.Tom Parker will become the new manager of country star Hank Snow in a joint partnership called Hank Snow Enterprises and Jamboree Attractions.
Good Rockin' Tonight/ I Don't Care If The Sun Don't Shine is released as Elvis' second single whilst it does well in the Memphis area it never lives up to the success of his first release.
Dec 13
Scotty Moore writes a letter to Tom Diskin, Col. Parkers right hand man enquiring about help with future bookings for the group.
Dec 23
Elvis and the boys are pulled over for speeding whilst heading home from Shreveport, fortunately the officer only cautions them. The three men count up their money at the curbside, with Elvis reminiscing years later that he "had never had so much money in his pockets at one time" to which he promptly went out and blew the lot on Christmas presents.
Dec 29
A write up in the Memphis Press-Scimitar states DJ Bob Neal is to take over as manager of Elvis Presley in the New Year and also releases details of his third Sun single Milk Cow Blues Boogie/ You're A Heartbreaker.

Posted by: LittleDarlin Sep 7 2006, 05:43 PM

Thanks Steve
Looking forward to the next instalment cool2.gif

Posted by: Pacer Sep 16 2006, 04:45 PM


Elvis kicks off the year with a month of touring. Performing mostly in Texas, though also keeping dates with The Louisiana Hayride in Shreveport. During this month Col.Parker starts to take notice of the rave reviews Elvis is constantly getting, prompting him to help Bob Neal (Elvis’ new manager) in arranging bookings for the “Memphis Flash” as he’s becoming known.
February 6
A meeting is arranged in which Bob Neal, Sam Phillips Col.Parker and Tom Diskin are to discuss the future plans they have for Elvis. Though the meeting soon turns sour when Parker points out that Elvis is going nowhere with a small time label like Sun Records, he goes on to state that he has already held talks with RCA to buy out his contract, this does not go down well with Phillips.
Throughout this month Col.Parker continually tries to further promote Elvis, writing to the William Morris Agency in New York Parker states that if “exploited properly” Elvis could really succeed.
“Baby Let’s Play House”/”I’m Left You’re Right She’s Gone is Elvis’ fourth single release. He has toured Texas and the south almost constantly for the past two months. Though he does return to Memphis on the 6th to attend Dixie’s junior prom.
May 13
After performing in front of 14.000 people at the Jacksonville baseball park Elvis promptly says “Girls, I’ll see you all backstage” prompting a full scale riot. After witnessing this event first hand Parker is now totally convinced of Elvis’ potential.
May 26
Bob Neal receives a letter from Col.Parker in which he offers to work more closely with him in promoting Elvis.
June 5
Gladys is woken through the night having had a terrible nightmare in which she sees Elvis in terrible trouble. The same night whilst traveling to Texarkana with a girl Elvis’ Cadillac catches fire and is badly burned.
June 17
Bob Neal and Col.Parker have a meeting in which it is agreed that whilst Neal will still be Elvis’ manager, Parker will handle all bookings and future plans especially in trying to get Elvis off Sun and onto a major label.
July 16
“Baby Let’s Plat House” debut’s at 15 on the Country and Western charts this is Elvis’ first record to hit the national charts.
As Elvis’ fame continues to grow from out of the south joins the group as a drummer on a regular basis. I Forgot to Remember to Forget/Mystery Train is released as Elvis’ fifth and final Sun single.
Aug 15
A new contract is drawn up which names Col. Parker as “special advisor” controlling virtually every aspect of Elvis career as he moves yet another step further to taking full control.
October 1 Thanks to the Colonel Scotty and Bill will now receive a fixed payment of $200 a week for their services as opposed to the 25% each of all profits, this is not an entirely smart move on the boys behalf as Elvis and the band are continually earning more money as Elvis’ fame continues to grow.
Also during October as a final move to oust Bob Neal from any further involvement with Elvis (Parker and Neal had been squabbling during the months previous over bookings etc) the Colonel manages to acquire the signatures of Elvis’ parents on a new contract granting him ‘sole and exclusive rights’ to represent their son as regards negotiations for a new recording contract, this virtually removes Neal from the picture all together.
Toward the end of the month Parker telegrams Sam Phillips informing him of this new arrangement and also to ‘name his price’ as regards to buying Elvis’ contract from Sun. This at the time would seem a little premature as Parker has no recording companies lined up to foot the bill.
A couple of days later Bob Neal hears about the Colonels dealings and demands a meeting to straighten things out as he is still Elvis’ manager(he has another four months left on his contract).
After various telegrams between Parker and RCA the record company wires Parker with the news that they will only go as far as $25,000 for buying Elvis’ contract.
Parker goes to Memphis to strike a deal with Phillips, basically he gives the Colonel until Nov 15 to come up with $35,000 to release Elvis from Sun. This does not go down well with RCA who are unsure of investing in Elvis in the first place especially at an unheard of sum like Phillips is asking for.
Nov 15
On the final day of the option Parker finally convinces RCA to match Phillip’s asking price and he quickly wires $5000 to Phillips as a down payment to secure the deal.
Nov 21
Various RCA execs Elvis and his parents as well as Col. Parker, Bob Neal and Sam Phillips all converge on Sun studios to sign the paperwork and seal the deal.
Parker books Elvis to appear on TV for the first time on CBS’ Saturday night variety show Jimmy and Tommy Dorsey’s Stage Show.
Elvis spends Christmas with his parents in their new home on Getwell Road.
Elvis attends his first recording session for RCA in Nashville were Chet Atkins is the studio chief. This is also the first time drummer DJ Fontana has worked with Elvis Scotty and Bill in the studio. Chet a well respected country guitarist in his own right also lends a hand as well as pianist Floyd Cramer.
Heartbreak Hotel is recorded as well as I Got a Woman and Money Honey. The obvious attempt at recreating the ‘Sun” sound is quite evident on these recordings. Though it never quite works, to the apparent disappointment of RCA executives.
January 27
RCA release Heartbreak Hotel/I Was The One.
January 28
Elvis debuts on ‘Stage Show’ he performs Shake Rattle and Roll/Flip Flop and Fly and I Got a Woman.
Over the next few days Elvis is back in the studio recording amongst other songs Blue Suede Shoes and Lawdy Miss Clawdy.
Feb 4
Elvis makes his second appearance on ‘Stage Show’ this time he sings Baby Lets Play House and Tutti Frutti .
Feb 11
For his 3rd appearance on ‘Stage Show’ Elvis performs Heartbreak Hotel and Blue Suede Shoes.
The new single hadn’t exactly set the charts alight as RCA had hoped, so it was probably thought best to perform it on TV hopefully to boost sales.
Feb 18
Elvis sings Tutti Frutti and I Was The One for his fourth ‘Stage Show’ appearance.
Bob Neal’s involvement with Elvis comes to an end on this day leaving Col.Parker in sole charge of managing Elvis. Parker also closes all dealings with Hank Snow much to the annoyance of Snow who was (through Elvis) expecting to profit from his involvement with Parker and Hank Snow enterprises.
Heartbreak Hotel enters Billboard’s top 100 at No 68.
March 7
Elvis receives the script for his upcoming screen test with Hal Wallis. It is a reading for a part in a film called The Rainmaker, which is set to star Burt Lancaster and Katharine Hepburn.
March 17
For his 5th appearance on ‘Stage Show’ Elvis sings Heartbreak Hotel (which is now storming up the charts) and Blue Suede Shoes.
March 20
Elvis buys a new house in Memphis located at 1034 Audubon Drive his parents move in first whilst Elvis is still out on tour.
March 24
This is Elvis’ last appearance on ‘Stage Show’ he sings Money Honey and Heartbreak Hotel
March 26
Elvis has his screen test at Paramount Studios and comes across ‘like the lead in a high school play’ according to screenwriter Alan Weiss.
Also on this day both Elvis and Col. Parker sign a contract stipulating Parker as now the sole and exclusive manager to Elvis Presley.
The album ‘Elvis Presley’ enters the charts at No 11 with sales in excess of 100,000
April 2
Elvis is offered a contract by Hal Wallis (which after negotiations, will be signed later in the month). The contract offers Elvis one motion picture with an option for six more at a rate of $ 15,000 for his first movie with the fee rising thereafter. With an eventual $100,000 for the seventh film. However with Elvis continued success this contract lasts only until 1958 after which it is torn up and rewritten.
April 3
Elvis appears on the Milton Berle TV show, broadcast from the deck of the USS.Hancock he sings Heartbreak Hotel and Blue Suede Shoes.
April 10
‘Elvis Presley’ the album has now sold over 362,000 copies making it RCA’s first $1 million album by a solo artist.
April 14
Elvis whilst in the recording studio Elvis receives his first gold record for one million sales of Heartbreak Hotel.
April 23
Elvis appears for the first time in Las Vegas on a two week engagement at the New Frontier Hotel. In front of a more mature audience Elvis’ stage routine is lost and he bombs. Though at the same time he soon falls under the spell of Vegas itself and he takes in many of the regular acts like Liberace.
June 5
Elvis appears for the second time on the Milton Berle Show first singing ‘I Want You I Need You I Love You’ then ‘Hound Dog’ the latter complete with a slow ending which has Elvis suggestively gyrating about the stage. The next day the media goes berserk calling Elvis ‘vulgar and obscene’
July 1
Elvis appears on the Steve Allen Show wearing a tuxedo (an idea of Allen’s) he sings ‘I Want You I Need You I Love You and Hound Dog, though this time it’s to a real dog stood on a pedestal. Elvis would later recall how ridiculous he felt not only wearing the tuxedo but singing to a dog.
July 2
Elvis is in the recording studios again this time laying down the classic songs Hound Dog and Don’t Be Cruel along with Any Way You Want Me.
August 22
Production starts on Elvis’ first movie ‘The Reno Brothers’ Hal Wallis has waived his right to produce Elvis’ first film so Parker does a deal with Fox studios for which Elvis will receive $100,000 and co-star billing.
September 9
Elvis appears on the Ed Sullivan Show and attracts over 80% of the national viewing audience singing Don’t Be Cruel, Love Me Tender (now the new title of his film) Ready Teddy and Hound Dog.
September 21
Filming concludes on
October 28
For his second appearance on the Ed Sullivan show Elvis sings Don’t Be Cruel, Love Me, Love Me Tender and Hound Dog.
By now Elvis has sold in excess of 10 million singles amounting to two-thirds of RCA’s singles output for the year.
November 15
Love Me Tender opens at the Paramount theatre in New York. A forty foot tall figure of Elvis is unveiled under the theater marquee much to the delight of the 1,500 squealing fans who have been gathering outside since the previous night.
In its first week of opening Variety reports that with earnings of $540,000 Love Me Tender is second in earnings only to Giant starring Rock Hudson, Elizabeth Taylor and the late James Dean.
December 4
Back in Memphis for the Christmas holidays Elvis stops by Sun records where Carl Perkins is in the middle of a recording session, soon they are joined by a new Sun artist called Jerry Lee Lewis and the three men begin an informal jam session. Johnny Cash also shows up but does not join in as he is Christmas shopping at the time. The tapes of this jam will become known as ‘The Million Dollar Quartet’.
Dec 25
Elvis spends Christmas Day with his parents at home on Audubon Drive.

Posted by: LittleDarlin Sep 16 2006, 09:23 PM

biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
Thanks for the time it took you to do this

Posted by: stefan Sep 17 2006, 11:38 AM

Thanks for your efforts steve !! very much apriciated thumbup.gif

Interersting stuff, always nice to read !!

Posted by: Pacer Sep 18 2006, 10:03 AM

Thanks again Carol, and you to Stefan king.gif
Though i have to be honest and say a lot of this info is from the book Elvis Day By Day, so I dont deserve too much credit biggrin.gif

Posted by: stefan Sep 18 2006, 10:11 AM

QUOTE (Pacer @ Sep 18 2006, 12:03 PM) *
Thanks again Carol, and you to Stefan [img]style_emoticons/default/king.gif[/img]
Though i have to be honest and say a lot of this info is from the book Elvis Day By Day, so I dont deserve too much credit [img]style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif[/img]

The fact happens to be that I don't read that book everyday, so this is a really nice read once in a while ! [img]style_emoticons/default/smile.gif[/img]

Keep up the great work Steve [img]style_emoticons/default/up.gif[/img]

Posted by: LittleDarlin Sep 18 2006, 06:18 PM

And I dont have the book at its even better for me smile.gif

Posted by: One Night Sep 21 2006, 10:16 PM

Nice info Steve..... up.gif

Interesting read,well done and thanks.gif


Posted by: Pacer Oct 4 2006, 09:58 AM

QUOTE (One Night @ Sep 21 2006, 11:16 PM) *
Nice info Steve..... [img]style_emoticons/default/up.gif[/img]

Interesting read,well done and [img]style_emoticons/default/thanks.gif[/img]


Thanks for the kind words Jules. [img]style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif[/img]

Posted by: Pacer Oct 4 2006, 10:10 AM

January 4
Elvis has a pre-induction physical at Kennedy Veterans Hospital to determine his draft status. Then later boards a train for New York City for his 3rd appearance on the Ed Sullivan show.
January 6
Elvis guests on the Ed Sullivan for the last time and is filmed strictly from the waist up. He sings a medley of Hound Dog, Love Me Tender and Heartbreak Hotel later he sings Don’t Be Cruel, Too Much and When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again then closes the show with Peace In The Valley.
January 22
Filming begins on Elvis 2nd film titled Sing You Sinners. However the title will soon change (as will become the normal practice) to the title of one of the songs in the film, in this case
February 21
Vernon and Gladys visit Elvis on the set and appear as audience extras during the filming of the Got A Lot Of Livin’ To Do sequence.
After Gladys’ death Elvis would never watch this film again
March 10
Filming concludes on Loving You with the Colonel throwing a party on the set.
March 16
After returning from their visit to Hollywood Vernon and Gladys start to hunt for a house that will offer them more space and privacy than they are allowed on Audubon Drive.
They spot a mansion just on the outskirts of Memphis on Highway 51 South, it is set in 14 acres of land and is named Graceland after the great aunt of the woman who built it.
They quickly telephone Elvis with the news.
March 19
Elvis views the mansion and immediately puts down a $1000 deposit.
April 22
The now famous iron gates are put in place at the front entrance to Graceland.
May 13
Elvis’ 3rd movie begins filming with the title songs “dance sequence” being one of the first parts shot. It is whilst filming this part that Elvis swallows one of the caps from his teeth and is taken to hospital to have it removed from his lung.
June 14
Filming is completed on Jailhouse Rock
June 18
A kidney shaped swimming pool is installed at Graceland at a cost of just over $8000.
June 26
Elvis spends his first night at Graceland.
July 7
Through friend George Klein Elvis meets and begins dating Anita Wood, a 19 year old singer and aspiring actress. She continues a close relationship with Elvis for the next five years.

July 30
Loving you opens nationwide
August 8
Elvis along with his ever-growing circle of friends which now include George Klein,, Cliff Gleaves and Alan Fortas hire the Memphis fairground for the evening, and then continue on to a private showing of Loving You
August 21
At the cost of a $1000 Elvis buys 2 stone lions and has them placed on either side of the steps at Graceland
September 7
Scotty, Bill and DJ are due to record some instrumentals of their own at the end of Elvis’ recording session. However time runs out and the boys are told that they cannot record their material. Upset about this they turn to Elvis who does not take their side. On the same day Scotty and Bill write a letter of resignation expressing some of the problems and resentment they have been feeling over the past year or so DJ does not go along with them.
September 12
Elvis talks to Scotty about his and Bills resignation asking what it would take for them to return. However the next day the story appears in the papers with Scotty quoted as saying ‘Elvis promised us the more he made the more we would make, but it hasn’t turned out that way. Elvis’ response is to publicly wish Scotty and Bill all the best for the future further adding ‘If they had come to me things could have been worked out but instead they went to the papers trying to make me look bad’
October 5
Billed as ‘The Blue Moon Boys, Scotty and Bill begin a sixteen day tour of their own performing four shows a day. However shortly before they leave Tom Diskin (Colonel Parkers right hand man) phones them on Elvis’ behalf asking for them to return, they both agree to do so in time for Elvis’ upcoming tour.
October 12
Elvis has a ten day holiday in Las Vegas dating exotic dancer Tempest Storm.
October 17
Jailhouse Rock premiers in Memphis though Elvis does not attend.
November 5
Elvis sets sail for Hawaii where he is scheduled to perform three shows.
November 8
Jailhouse Rock opens nationwide and will peak at No3 on Box Office charts.
November 18
Elvis is back in Vegas this time he dates singer Kitty Dolan.
December 16
The Memphis draft board has let Elvis know he will soon be receiving his draft notice.
Also today Elvis buys a Santa sleigh and eight reindeer at a cost of $300 from Bain sign company in Memphis, this is the same display that still continues to be used outside of Graceland every Christmas.
Dec 20
After picking up his draft notice Elvis pays a visit to Sun Studios, and later tells a reporter regarding his impending army stint that ‘it is a duty I’ve got to fill and I’m going to do it.’
Also later today he delivers a red Isetta sports car to Colonel Parker, his Christmas present for his manager.
Dec 24
Elvis asks for and is granted a deferment to his army induction so he can be allowed to film his next motion picture on schedule.
Dec 25
Elvis spends Christmas at Graceland with his parents.

1958 January 13
Elvis and his entourage arrive in California to begin work on his new picture an adaptation of Harold Robbins novel A Stone For Danny Fisher.
Jan 15
Work begins on the soundtrack today and continues on tomorrow working closely with Elvis are song writers Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller who also wrote the soundtrack for Jailhouse Rock.
February 1
Working from 10.00 am till 7.00 pm Elvis cuts songs for what will be the last scheduled non-soundtrack recording session before he enters the army. However the session is a bit of a disaster as Elvis and the band struggle with ‘Wear My Ring Around You’re Neck before moving onto forty eight takes of ‘Dontcha Think It’s Time.
RCA exec Steve Sholes is very disappointed as there is hardly any material ‘in the can’ to release whilst Elvis is in the army.
March 1
Location shooting begins on King Creole in New Orleans.
March 12
In an interview Elvis tells a reporter that the army can’t be any worse than the merry- go- round he’s been on for the last two years.
March 23
On his final night before joining the army Elvis accompanied by Anita Wood and friends go to a drive in, afterwards they all go roller-skating stopping up all night.
March 24
At 6.35 am Elvis along with family members and friends reports to the draft board where he joins up with twelve other recruits. His serial No is US 53310761 after a physical Elvis is put in charge of the group for the trip by army bus to Fort Chaffee Arkansas.
March 25
Elvis and his fellow soldiers continue their processing which includes a regulation haircut. Later in the day he is assigned to the second armored tank division stationed at Fort Hood, Killeen, Texas.
May 28
By now Elvis has earned a marksman medal for a rifle and achieved sharpshooter level with a pistol, and is also acting assistant leader of the squad.
June 1
Elvis is back at Graceland on a two week furlough following the end of his army basic training. Whilst on leave he buys himself a new red Lincoln, goes to the rollerdrome and the fairgrounds. And also takes his parents to see King Creole.
June 10
Elvis holds his last recording session for the next two years, recording in Nashville’s studio B, the overnight session produces such songs as ‘I Need You’re Love Tonight’ and ‘A Big Hunk o’ Love’.
June 16
Elvis now begins a ten week advanced tank training course at Fort Hood.
July 1
Elvis’ parents along with cousins Gene and Junior Smith and various close friends all move to a leased house in Killeen to be near Elvis.
July 2
King Creole opens nationwide and peaks at No 5 on a Box Office survey.
August 8
Due to Elvis’ insistence Gladys along with Vernon goes back to Memphis. She has been unwell and depressed for some time. Her conditions made worse by the constant worry she has for Elvis’ well being, even more so now he is in the army.
The next day she is taken into hospital suffering from what is thought to be an undiagnosed liver complaint. Her condition is listed as grave.
August 12
Elvis is given emergency leave to be with his mother.
August 14
Gladys passes away in hospital with Vernon by her side. Elvis and his father are inconsolable.
August 15
The funeral is held at 3.30 pm, with the Blackwood Brothers performing many of Gladys’ favourite hymns. As her body is lowered into the ground Elvis has to be physically restrained from running to the coffin.
Aug 24
Elvis returns to Fort Hood. He leaves instructions that nothing is to be touched in his mother’s bedroom while he is gone.
Sept 11
Elvis is assigned to the 3rd Armored division in Germany.
September 18
Elvis surrounded by family and friends spends an emotional last night in Killleen
Sept 22
On board the USS Randall Elvis and his fellow soldiers set sail for Germany. On board he befriends a professional quartet singer and entertainer and they bunk together during the crossing. Charlie tries to keep Elvis’ spirits up by telling him jokes and the two are put in charge of a talent show on board ship.They will remain close friends for the rest of Elvis’ life.
October 1
The USS Randall docks at Bremerhaven in Germany where it is met by 1,500 fans.
Elvis is assigned to the Ray Kaserne barracks in Friedberg.
Oct 6
Elvis is given permission to live off base. He rents four rooms at the Hillberts Park Hotel in Bad Nauhiem for himself, his father, grandmother (Vernon’s mother), Lamar Fike and Red West.
Oct 14
The Colonel writes the first of what will be many letters and telegrams aimed at helping to lift Elvis’ spirits, Parker keeps him updated on every plan of action he has for keeping him in the public eye whilst he is in Germany.
Oct 28
A homesick Elvis writes to girlfriend Anita Wood back in Memphis expressing how he is a ‘lonely little boy 5000 miles away’ and how he looks forward to their marriage and a ‘little Elvis’.
November 2
Dee Stanley the wife of an American sergeant stationed nearby phones Elvis inviting him to dinner with her family. Elvis manages to pass off the invitation, however, his father Vernon accepts his invitation whilst Elvis is on maneuvers.
Nov 3
Elvis’ company arrives in Bavaria on the Czech border, in freezing conditions. Here Elvis excels in reconnaissance maneuvers.
Nov 27
Elvis receives promotion to private first class.
Dec 24
Elvis helps decorate the company’s Christmas tree and sings a moving rendition of Silent Night.
Dec 25
Now staying at the more up market Hotel Grunewald Elvis along with his family and friends celebrate Christmas in Germany.

Posted by: Pacer Oct 31 2006, 12:40 PM

January 8
Elvis celebrates his 24th birthday in Germany.
January 16
Elvis along with fellow soldiers gives blood at the Wartturm Barracks in Friedberg for the Red Cross.
Around this time Elvis and party move out of the Hotel Grunewald and into a 3 story house at 14 Goethestrasse paying $800 a month rental. A sign is soon posted outside ‘Autogramme von 19:30 – 20:00 (autographs from 7:30 – 8:00pm)
March 18
Elvis is thrown from his jeep whilst rounding a bend, injuring his knee. He is ordered to take 3 days rest and requests no announcement be made to the press.
March 27
Elvis celebrates the half way mark of his army stint with an ‘Over the Hump” party.
June 1
Elvis is promoted to Specialist 4th class with an increase in his salary to $122.30 a month.
June 3
Elvis is hospitalized with tonsillitis and a fever for six days.
June 13
This marks the beginning of a 15 day furlough in which Elvis and some of his friends will travel to Munich and then onto Paris. Whilst there he stays at the Prince De Galles Hotel occupying a top floor suite. He sleeps through the day and parties at night going to various clubs like The Moulin Rouge and The Lido.
June 22
Vernon returns to Memphis for business purposes and also to follow Dee Stanley who is back home in Virginia whilst her husband remains in Germany.
July 15
It is announced to the press that upon his release from the army Elvis will appear on the Frank Sinatra show and will receive $125,000 for his appearance, which, is more than Frank will get for the whole show.
July 27
Vernon takes Dee to Louisville Kentucky to visit his father Jessie.
U.S Army Captain Paul Beaulieu arrives in Wiesbarden accompanied by his wife and 3 children there previous posting was an Air Force base in Texas.
Aug 17
Filming starts on location shots for Elvis’ next movie ‘Christmas In Berlin’ it is mostly background footage of army operations as the Colonel has expressly forbidden Elvis to take part in any shooting.
September 13
Elvis’ friend Currie Grant brings 14 year old Priscilla Beaulieu to the house on Goethestrasse to meet Elvis. And everyone in the room notices Elvis’ immediate attraction to her.
After there first meeting he confides to friend Charlie Hodge that Priscilla is ‘like the woman I’ve been looking for all my life’. From now on she spends all her free time at the house as does another new army friend of Elvis’ Joe Esposito from Chicago.
October 21
Vernon’s father Jessie Presley writes to his son telling him that Joan Crawford has recently visited at the Coca Cola factory where he works. And that she sought him out of the workers to tell him what a fine grandson he has.
October 24
Once again Elvis is hospitalized with tonsillitis after spending a few days in hospital he is ordered to take 3 days rest at home.
December 6
Elvis begins to take an active interest in karate taking lessons with instructor Jurgen Seydel who is known as ‘the father of German karate’. He continues his lessons twice a week for the remainder of his time in Germany.
December 25
Elvis celebrates Christmas with family and friends at the house on Goethestrasse.Elvis has a French poodle delivered to Anita Wood.
Priscilla’s present for Elvis is a set of bongo drums.

January 5
Elvis is given 12 days leave.
January 8
Elvis is interviewed on his 25th birthday by Dick Clark for American Bandstand. He speaks about his up coming recording session, his appearance on the Frank Sinatra show and about his next movie (now called G.I Blues)
January 12
Whilst on leave Elvis travels once again to Paris accompanied by Joe Esposito, Cliff Gleaves, Lamar Fike and his karate instructor Jurgen Seydel. Whilst there they attend 5 karate classes. For the first time Joe Esposito is put in charge of keeping an expenditure account of the trip.
January 20
Elvis is promoted to acting sergeant
February 11
Elvis receives his full sergeant’s stripes and throws a party to celebrate.
February 26
Elvis receives a redeployment order showing him he will be transferred to Fort Dix, New Jersey on March 3 1960.
Elvis calls Anita Wood with the good news as he prepares to take up his old lifestyle again. Both Elisabeth Stefaniak and Joe Esposito have agreed to work for Elvis on his return to the States.
February 29
Billboard reports that Elvis Presley has sold more than 18 million records to date , more than any other artist in history.
March 1
Elvis holds a press conference just before his departure from Germany with over 100 members of the press present. His commanding officer gives him a certificate of merit citing his’ cheerfulness and drive and continually outstanding leadership ability’
March 2
Elvis boards a military transport plane bound for New Jersey with a brief stop over for refueling in Prestwick Scotland. Priscilla is at the airport to wave Elvis off and Life magazine covers the event with the headline ‘The girl he left behind’.
March 3
Elvis arrives at Fort Dix New Jersey, in the midst of a snowstorm. After processing a press conference is held then a welcome home party with guests including Nancy Sinatra, the Colonel and various RCA representatives.
March 5
Elvis is released from the army at 9:15 am and makes plans to travel back home to Memphis by railroad.
March 7
The train arrives at Memphis once again in the middle of a snowstorm. His friend Police Captain Fred Woodward drives Elvis back to Graceland in his squad car.
During the afternoon Elvis holds a press conference in the office at the back of Graceland. Anita Wood joins Elvis in the evening.
March 8
Elvis visits his mother’s grave to see for the first time the marker and stone angels that have been
placed at her grave. From now until her body is moved to Graceland after Elvis’ death there is a standing order for fresh flowers to be placed at her grave once a week.
March 20
Elvis takes a chartered bus out to Nashville for his first recording session in 2 years. He is joined by Scotty and D.J but not Bill Black who never plays with Elvis again. Once there they are joined by all the same musicians from the June ’58 session who in order to keep the session top secret have been told that they are working with Jim Reeves.
They begin at 8 pm and finish at 7 the next morning. Stuck On You /Fame And Fortune are selected for the first single release.
March 21
Elvis and his entourage board a train bound for Miami to tape the Frank Sinatra show.
March 23
RCA’s Indianapolis pressing plant has been working overtime in order to have the new single ready for shipment.
March 26
The Sinatra show is taped at 6:15 pm and due to air on May 12.Elvis performs both sides of his new single as well as a duet with the host on Elvis’s song Love Me Tender and Frank’s song Witchcraft.
The new single goes on to the No 1 spot on Billboards chart within weeks of it’s release.
April 3
Elvis is once again on his way to Nashville to record more tracks. Working from 7:30 pm to 7:00 am he records songs such as Fever, Are You Lonesome Tonight? (At the express wishes of the Colonel as it’s his wife’s favourite song) and It’s Now or Never.
April 8
Now back in Memphis Elvis decides to go on a shopping spree, he buys a watch for his father and a diamond necklace for Anita (who has now dyed her hair black like Elvis’) both items totaling $4,000.
April 18
Elvis and his ever expanding entourage which now includes new member Sonny West (Red’s cousin) set off by train for California to begin work on Elvis’ new movie.
April 21
Preproduction begins on G.I Blues a Hal Wallis production which will be directed by Norman Taurog and co starring is dancer Juliet Prowse.
April 27
Wearing his full dress army uniform Elvis begins work on the G.I Blues soundtrack at RCA’s studio at 6363 Sunset Boulevard. And makes no attempt to mask his disappointment with the songs.
Principal photography begins on the picture.
May 5
Elvis expresses concerns about the ‘mix’ of his new single Its Now or Never saying it’s not the same as the acetate he took from the session. RCA’s Bill Bullock responds by suggesting the acetate does not produce the same sound as the studio equipment hoping to allay Elvis’ concerns.
May 6
During a phone call to Priscilla (still in Germany) he once again expresses his disappointment with the movies soundtrack but concedes that he is ‘locked into this thing’.
May 12
The Frank Sinatra show airs on the ABC network and attracts 41.5 % of the viewing audience.
Elvis attends a karate demonstration at the Beverly Hills Hotel and is introduced to Hawaiian born karate instructor Ed Parker.
May 28
Elvis and the boys spend the weekend in Vegas where they have all taken to the habit of wearing dark mohair suits and sunglasses, prompting the press to nickname them “The Memphis Mafia”.
June 13
In a magazine interview Colonel Parker is quoted as saying of Elvis’ films “They’ll never win any academy awards. All they are good for is making money”.
June 27
After receiving a test pressing of Its Now or Never the Colonel writes to Bill Bullock telling him in no uncertain terms that the sound is still unsatisfactory and it must be remastered, this delays the planned release date of the single.
June 29
With the film now finished Elvis is released by the studio and he returns to Memphis.
July 3
Vernon marries Dee Stanley in Huntsville Alabama. Elvis does not attend the wedding and instead decides to go boating on McKellar Lake in Memphis.
July 4
Elvis visits his mother’s grave.
During the coming days Elvis spends his days boating at the lake, skating at the Rollerdrome and renting out the Memphis fairgrounds.
July 21
Elvis obtains his first- degree black belt in karate and carries the certificate with him in his wallet until the day he dies.
August 1
Elvis begins work on his new movie for 20th Century Fox. A dramatic western, the name will change from Flaming Lance to Black Star before eventually being released as Flaming Star. Once again he expresses concern about the songs asking for 2 of them not to be released on record.
August 12
Due to his new marriage Vernon signs a quitclaim deed assigning Elvis sole ownership of Graceland.
September 9
Elvis signs a 6 month lease on a house at 525 Perugia Way in Bel Air for $1,400 a month. This is largely due to the fact that Elvis and his friends are causing too many disturbances at the Beverly Wiltshire Hotel.
September 19
Elvis is once again upset at the ‘mix’ RCA have done with his next single Are You Lonesome Tonight? Complaining that his voice is too far upfront he goes so far as to threaten to go back into the studio to re-record the song if they can’t get it right.
October 7
Elvis records the new title song Flaming Star for the movie and with that is released by the studio. The next day he promptly heads for a break in Las Vegas.
November 1
Elvis’ long time friend Police Inspector Paul Woodward dies of a heart attack at 46. He rushes over to St. Joseph’s hospital in Memphis immediately to offer his support to the inspector’s widow.
November 6
Elvis and his entourage fly to L.A to begin work on Wild in the Country for 20th Century Fox. The next 2 days are spent recording the songs for inclusion in the film.
November 9
Principal shooting begins on the film.
November 26
Elvis and friends are once again back in Las Vegas, this time for the weekend.
December 4
After reading an article in a newspaper about the struggle to raise funds for the completion of the memorial to the U.S.S Arizona battleship sunk during the Pearl Harbor attacks Colonel Parker puts into motion plans for Elvis to do a benefit concert in Hawaii. This will also coincide with the filming of Elvis’ next movie Blue Hawaii.
Dec 23
Elvis completes the filming of Wild in the Country and returns to Memphis for the holidays.
December 25
Elvis spends Christmas at Graceland his first there since the death of his mother.

Posted by: LittleDarlin Oct 31 2006, 04:46 PM

clap.gif clap.gif clap.gif clap.gif

Been waiting for the next installment........keep it up Steve tongue.gif

Posted by: Pacer Nov 15 2006, 12:49 PM

January 4
Filming resumes on Wild in the Country.
January 6
Cast and crew present Elvis with a birthday gift, a plaque saying Happy Birthday King Karate.
January 11
Colonel Parker holds a press conference at the Hawaiian Village Hotel to announce the plans of Elvis doing a charity concert to help raise funds for the U.S.S. Arizona memorial.
January 20
With principal photography completed Elvis is released by the studio.
January 30
Elvis flies back to Memphis.
Around this time Hal Wallis writes to the Colonel expressing his concerns about Elvis’ appearance. Saying he would very much like to see Elvis looking the way he did in G.I Blues, also adding he should have a good overall tan, he then urges the Colonel to talk this over with Elvis.
February 1
Along with Joe Esposito and Anita Wood, Elvis travels down to Tupelo to show them his hometown. In a field behind the birthplace they find the sign declaring the future site of the Elvis Presley ‘Youth Centre” which has fallen down. There are also no signs of any work having been started on this project which Elvis donated $14,000 to from his 1957 Tupelo State Fair performance.
February 4
Junior Smith, Elvis’ cousin dies of alcohol poisoning. Elvis’ friend from Texas Eddie Fadal recalls Elvis just kept saying “It’s all over Junior. It’s all over”
February 6
Having been called back to the studio to reshoot the ending of Wild in the Country (due to audiences reacting badly to Hope Lange’s characters suicide) Elvis misses Junior’s funeral.
February 25
Elvis Presley Day is declared in Memphis. He performs two shows (3.00pm and 8.30 pm) for charity at the Ellis Auditorium. 3,860 people attend the first show and 6,540 attend the second. During a special luncheon at the Hotel Claridge Elvis is presented with a diamond watch from RCA honoring record sales of more than 75 million.
After the evening performance a party is held at Graceland.
March 12
Elvis travels to Nashville for a recording session that will last 11 hours and produce 11 songs including highlights such as ‘I Feel So Bad’.
March14 Bill Bullock of RCA writes to Elvis telling him how pleased he is with the recent recording session and once again brings up the idea of a recording studio being built at Graceland though as before the idea never materializes.
March 20
Elvis reports to Paramount to start work on his next movie Blue Hawaii which will be directed by Norman Taurog and co star Angela Lansbury.
March 21
Recording begins at Radio Recorders from 1.00 till 11.50 pm. In three days fifteen songs will be completed for inclusion in the movie.
March 25
Elvis flies to Hawaii to perform his benefit concert for the U.S.S Arizona memorial fund. The evening’s performance raises $62,000.
March 27
Principal photography begins on Blue Hawaii and will continue for the next three weeks.
April 22
The Colonel writes to new vice president Lyndon Johnson telling him of the charity shows Elvis has recently performed and also stating that both he and Elvis would be available for any future patriotic projects.
May 1
Around this time Colonel Parker’s older brother Ad visits from Holland. Parker is quite courteous to his brother even introducing him to Elvis. However no one picks up on the Colonels Dutch background even though it is common knowledge among Dutch fans. And the matter of his nationality is not raised for another twenty years.
May 23
Principal photography for Blue Hawaii ends.
June 15
Wild in the Country premiers in Memphis though Elvis does not attend.
July 1
Elvis is so late for Red West’s marriage to Elvis’ secretary Pat Boyd that Joe Esposito has to stand in as best man.
July 6
Elvis and his entourage travel to Crystal River Florida where Elvis is due to start filming on his next movie titled Pioneer Go Home which will eventually be changed to Follow That Dream.
August 12
With location shooting finished Elvis flies from Tampa to LA to resume filming.
August 23
Elvis is offered $250,000 for two days’ work as the voice of a speaking and singing cat in an up coming cartoon movie titled Gay Purr-ee. An argument breaks out over contractual obligations and the Colonel eventually turns down the offer.
August 28
Filming of Follow That Dream is completed.
September 1
Much of this month is spent in Vegas taking in the live lounge acts like Fats Domino and Jackie Wilson.
September 26
Hank Snow begins proceeding to sue Colonel Parker for his share of Elvis’ earnings (re: March 2 ’56). Though for some unknown reason the suit quickly disappears.
October 21
Elvis and entourage which now includes new member Marty Lacker and a chimpanzee named Scatter fly out to L.A.
October 23
Elvis reports to United Artists for pre production on his next movie Kid Galahad. Elvis’ character is a boxer and so he begins workouts with former world welterweight champion Mushy Callahan.
October 26
Over the next two days Elvis records the soundtrack for Kid Galahad at radio recorders.
November 4
Principal photography begins
November 21
A snowstorm causes filming to relocate to Hollywood.
November 22
Elvis and entourage move out of the house on Perugia Way and into a new rental around the corner at 10539 Bellagio road.
Blue Hawaii opens nationwide peaking at No2 it will go on to be the 18 highest grossing picture of 1961 and the fourteenth highest of 1962.
December 20
With principal photography for Kid Galahad completed and no particular desire to return home to Graceland due to the fact that Vernon, Dee and her three children are still living there, Elvis flies to Vegas for the holidays.
December 28
Vernon and family move into their new home on Hermitage Drive just around the corner from Graceland.

January 8
Whilst in Vegas Elvis celebrates his 27th birthday at the Sahara Hotel.
January 30
Elvis flies home to Memphis. Over the coming months he spends most of his time in the TV room at Graceland watching prints of many films including God is my Co- Pilot, Las Vegas Shakedown, Riot In Cell Block Eleven and High Noon. He also frequently visits ‘Lanskey Bros’ mens clothes shop on Beale Street. He also pays $10,000 for a Dodge House Car to be used for the trips back and forth to California for movie shoots.
March 26
Elvis and entourage arrive at Paramount in the new Dodge Motor home for pre-production of his next movie Girls! Girls! Girls!
The success of Blue Hawaii the previous year has convinced Hal Wallis that this formula is the way ahead for Elvis’ movie career in that he should be showcased in wholesome all round family entertainment movies.
The soundtrack recordings begin at Radio Recorders for the next three days. With the Colonel promising songwriter Otis Blackwell that his song Return to Sender (not originally recorded for the movie) will make it into the film because he (Col. Parker) says it so well suited to Elvis’ style.
April 7
Elvis arrives in Hawaii for location filming, at the airport he takes a helicopter ride to the Hawaiian Village Hotel where he is mobbed by 8 thousand screaming fans, in a 100 yard dash to the hotel he manages to lose his yachting cap, a diamond ring and jeweled tie clasp.
April 9
During breaks in filming of the movie Elvis practices karate breaking up to forty boards in a session, until Hal Wallis puts a stop to it for fear of Elvis breaking his hand.
May 1
Inspired by a magazine article he has read about the cliff divers of Acapulco Hal Wallis begins to outline the story of Elvis next motion picture. Whilst filming for Girl! Girls! Girls! continues now back at Paramount Studios.
June 1
Colonel Parker expresses concern to Hal Wallis about taking Elvis to Mexico because of a false rumor in 1958 concerning Elvis’ view of Mexican women.
June 8
Principal photography is completed on Girls! Girls Girls!
June 17
After many phone calls with Priscilla’s parents in which Elvis assures them that she will be properly looked after Priscilla arrives from Germany for a two week visit.
June 19
Priscilla who was originally to have stayed with custom car designer George Barris (who had recently renovated the Dodge Mobile home) as per the agreement with her parents moves into the house on Bellagio.
Soon after Elvis decides he wants to show her Vegas so everyone sets off for a twelve day visit, staying at the Sahara.
July 1
Elvis and Priscilla return to LA where she takes a flight back to Germany.
July 12
Using Graceland as collateral Elvis purchases the land directly across the road from his mansion the current site of the Lisa Marie airplane.
August 6
Anita Wood moves out of Graceland to return home to Jackson Tennessee. She tells the Memphis Press- Scimitar that it is clear Elvis is not yet ready to settle down.
August 28
Now back in Hollywood Elvis begins pre-production on It Happened at the World’s Fair his next movie, to be directed once again by Norman Taurog.
August 31
Hollywood designer Sy Devore reports that Elvis’ wardrobe for the movie comes to $9,300 this includes ten suits and fifty five ties but no underwear because “Elvis I discovered, doesn’t wear any”
September 4
Elvis arrives in Seattle staying for approximately 2 weeks of location filming.
September 17
Filming resumes in Hollywood at the MGM studios.
Whilst on set Elvis gives a lengthy and very revealing interview touching on subjects such as his friends and philosophy. He also admits to being hesitant to make any major changes to his career stating “If I can entertain people with things I’m doing well I’d be a fool to tamper with it”. Though at the same time he expresses a desire to explore new directions.
November 9
With filming finished Elvis once again heads for Las Vegas
November 29
Elvis returns to Memphis to hear that a string of planned concerts across America totaling 43 cities in all has fallen through. The Colonel had worked out the tour with RCA as the promoter and guaranteeing Elvis $1 million for his services. However RCA began to have doubts about the project and suggested the tour be scaled down to just eleven dates, the Colonel who had great faith in the whole project declines and the deal falls through.
December 19
Priscilla flies in to New York where she is met by Vernon and Dee, whom accompany her to Memphis. Elvis meets her at his father’s house so he can personally drive her up past the giant nativity scene on the lawn (that is still used today) and up to Graceland.
December 20
After missing her first two days in Memphis due to some sleeping pills Elvis had given her ( by now Elvis himself and many of the Memphis Mafia are regularly taking both uppers and downers)
the rest of the vacation is taken up with Elvis showing her where he grew up, also roller skating , movies and eating out at Chenault’s Drive In.
December 25
Elvis holds a private party for 30 people at Graceland. Priscilla receives a toy poodle from Elvis which she names Honey. And she gives him a wooden cigar box that when opened plays ‘Surrender’ his 1961 hit.
December 31
After a fireworks display at Graceland everyone goes to the Manhattan Club for a private party of over two hundred family, friends and fans.

Posted by: LittleDarlin Nov 15 2006, 02:52 PM

clap.gif clap.gif

Thanks Steve thumbup.gif

Posted by: stefan Nov 15 2006, 03:23 PM

Thanks for the hard work Steve ... stays an interesting read ! notworthy2.gif

Posted by: tcbndixie Nov 15 2006, 03:41 PM

Yes...THANKS...Steve for all the hard work and helping to keep
the memory alive!!! Very interesting to read...just can't get
enough!!! rockon.gif


Posted by: Pacer Nov 16 2006, 10:03 AM

biggrin.gif Thanks guys it makes it all worth while now excuse me while I let my fingers cool off from all the typing laugh.gif laugh.gif

Posted by: Tigerman Nov 19 2006, 05:26 PM

Grate work Steve, very intressting to read. cheers.gif

Posted by: Brad Nov 19 2006, 07:12 PM

Lots and lots of great information Steve...thanks for the posts wink.gif

Posted by: Pacer Nov 20 2006, 04:40 PM

Thanks fellas I'm pleased you like it. king.gif

Posted by: Pacer Jan 18 2007, 11:11 AM

January 7
Colonel Parker refuses an offer for Elvis to do a non paying guest spot on TV to promote his new movie Fun in Acapulco. He has done this on several occasions in the past citing that to do so would lead to overexposure and cut into movie profits.
January 11
Priscilla flies back to Germany despite Elvis’ best efforts to convince her parents into letting her stay in Memphis.
January 21
Production work begins on Fun in Acapulco. Richard Thorpe the director of Jailhouse Rock is once again in charge.
January 22
Soundtrack sessions begin and run through the following day.
January 28
Filming begins on the new movie with all of Elvis’ scenes filmed in Hollywood with background material shot in Acapulco.
March 1
While filming the song Marguerita Elvis complains of feeling self conscious in an untucked short sleeved shirt, explaining that he would never wear such clothing himself. However it is too late for the clothing to be changed as a shot of Elvis’ body double in the same outfit exiting the bandstand has to be used in the picture.
March 2
Priscilla and her father arrive in L.A to meet with Elvis to discuss arrangements for her to complete her education in Memphis at the Immaculate Conception High School. And on the condition that she stays with Vernon and Dee at their home just around the corner from Graceland.
March 13
Principal photography ends on Fun in Acapulco and the Colonel throws a party for cast and crew.
March 14
Publicity stills are taken for the film and Hal Wallis approves Elvis’ request to keep two of the black silk shirts and the flamenco outfit he wore during filming.
March 22
Elvis flies home to Memphis where Priscilla is waiting.
April 1
Elvis buys Priscilla a red Corvair so she can drive to school herself instead of being chauffeured every day by Vernon.
April 15
Today eighteen trees are planted on the grounds of Graceland. There are also two new front and back porches constructed, burglar proof bars are also added over the windows and the mansion painted.
The work is carried out by Vernon and Gladys’ long time friend Carl Nichols whom a few years earlier had accompanied the Presley’s to Hollywood to visit their son on the set of Loving You.
April 24
Around 30 books are purchased by Elvis at the Readin’ & Ritin’ book store in Memphis, the titles include Eye-witness History of World War Two, Exploring the Earth, Giants of Medicine, Underwater, Giants of Science, Strange People, World Philosophy, East of Eden, World Atlas, Trail Guide, Jokes for the John, and Goodnight Mrs. Calabash.
May 26
Over the next two days Elvis records fourteen songs in RCA’s Studio B in Nashville with the intention of an album being released and the song “You’re the(Devil in Disguise)” being used as a single. However the album never materializes and the songs are filtered out over the next couple of years as soundtrack ‘bonus’ songs and singles.
May 29
Priscilla graduates from High School though Elvis does not attend the ceremony after Priscilla expresses concern about the disruption his presence would cause. He does however wait outside in his car before taking her home for a graduation party at Graceland where they will spend the whole of the next month.
July 4
Elvis and the guys stage their annual fireworks show and fight at Graceland.
Elvis flies back out to Hollywood the next day or two.
July 9
Elvis reports to MGM for the start of his new movie Viva Las Vegas to be directed by Hollywood veteran George Sidney and co-stars Ann Margret.
Soundtrack recording starts at 7.00 pm and runs till 4.15 am. The three day sessions feature the largest group of musicians Elvis has ever worked with. As well as the usual L.A and Nashville session men there is also a brass section, organist and additional percussionist.
Elvis and Ann Margret perform three duets but only one (The Lady Loves Me) will make it into the film and none will be released on record.
July 14
The cast and crew travel to Las Vegas where they stay at The Sahara Hotel.
July 15
Principal photography begins and runs for the next eleven days with various Vegas locations being used.
July 27
Cast and crew return to Los Angeles. By now Elvis and Ann Margret are inseparable with the gossip columnists having a field day.
August 6
Back in Memphis Priscilla reads about the press speculation concerning Elvis and Ann Margret.
August 15
Filming costs start to soar way over budget with the Colonel trying desperately to stop it. With this problem in mind the Colonel strikes a deal with another MGM producer Sam Katzman to produce Elvis’ next movie. He is known as ‘King of the Quickies’ for good reason, thanks to his tight shooting schedule and budget control.
September 11
Elvis returns to Memphis after completing stills photography and over dubs for Viva Las Vegas.
September 23
Elvis is at the Memphian Theatre almost every night watching such films as The Terror, The Sky Above, The Mud Below and Hootenanny Hoot.
September 29
Elvis goes to RCA’s studio B in Nashville to record the soundtrack for his next movie Kissin Cousins. The recording session is taking place in Nashville at the Colonels request because it helps keep costs down.
However due to a bad cold Elvis cannot record the vocals, and only the backing tracks are recorded.
October 7
Elvis reports to MGM in Hollywood for pre production work, as well as a wig fitting for his role of twin brothers in the movie (one blonde, the other dark).
October 10
Elvis records the vocals for the soundtrack songs at MGM.
October 13
Location filming begins in the town of Big Bear in the San Bernardino Mountains.
October 17
Elvis receives his 2nd degree black belt ‘honorary’ award for outstanding work, enthusiasm and support of karate. He carries the certificate (card) in his wallet for the rest of his life.
November 5
Location filming concludes and cast and crew return to L.A.
November 6
Priscilla joins Elvis in Hollywood after she reads press reports of him being seen out motor cycle riding with Ann Margret.
November 8
Ann Margret is reported in the press as having said that she is in love with Elvis but doesn’t know if they will marry.
When the Colonel hears of this he advises Elvis to send Priscilla back to Memphis to avoid un wanted press speculation.
November 14
MGM release Elvis after publicity stills have been taken.
November 22
Elvis and Ann Margret watch the news of President Kennedy’s assassination at Elvis’ Perugia Way home.
December 10
After a private screening of Viva Las Vegas Hal Wallis writes to the Colonel with grave concerns over Elvis’ appearance in the movie. Saying he looks soft, fat and jowly with a hairdo that makes him look like he is wearing a wig that is painted too black. He urges Parker to have a talk with Elvis about this as he wants Elvis to be in top shape to play the tough hard hitting character he is slated to play in Roustabout.
After various communications it is decided that Elvis is not to bring his own hairdresser to the set.
December 17
Elvis is photographed with the mayor of Memphis as he presents a cheque for $55,000 to be shared between 58 Memphis based charities.
RCA extend Elvis’ contract adding two additional years carrying him through till December 1971.
December 23
Elvis and Priscilla spend Christmas together at Graceland.

January 8
Elvis celebrates his 29th birthday quietly at home.
January 12
Elvis arrives at RCA’s studio B in Nashville on his motorcycle. He starts of a 5 hour recording session cutting tracks such as Memphis Tennessee, Ask Me and It Hurts Me. The first two songs he had been recorded during a May ’63 session but Elvis was not satisfied wit the takes, so now re-records them.
January 30
Colonel Parker buys Franklin D Roosevelt’s retired yacht the Potomac for $55,000 in Elvis’ name. The purpose being to generate publicity by donating the boat to Elvis’ favourite charity The March of Dimes. However the gift is refused and the Colonel has to now scramble around for a suitable recipient.
Elvis takes off to Vegas with various friends including Joe Esposito, Alan Fortas, and cousin Billy Smith.
February 9
The Beatles make their first appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show, Colonel Parker and Elvis send a telegram to be read out ‘On Air ‘.
February 14
Elvis travels to Long Beach, California to present the yacht Potomac to Danny Thomas on behalf of St. Jude’s research hospital in Memphis.
February 17
Colonel Parker throws himself into his role as Technical Advisor for Elvis’ next movie Roustabout. Offering insider tips on carnival life, providing suggestions for locations and casting and making sure that the film does not denigrate those who work in the circus.
He also writes a scene for the movie in which a boy discovers a worm inside his apple to which Elvis’ character replies “No charge for the meat, son”.
Wallis pays the Colonel $25,000 for his services.
February 26
Elvis reports to Paramount for the start of his new movie Roustabout. Which co-stars actors Leif Erickson and Barbara Stanwyck (Mae West had previously turned down the role).
March 2
Recording sessions begin at Radio Recorders for the next two days.
March 5
Elvis reports to the Paramount make up department for a haircut by the studio barber.
March 6
Cast and crew head out to the Hidden Valley Ranch north of L.A for location shooting.
March 11
After virtually begging director John Rich, Elvis is allowed to do his own fight scene. However an accident occurs and Elvis is cut above his left eye. To avoid any loss of filming a band aid is placed over the stitches and explained in the film as a result of his characters motorcycle being run off the road earlier in the movie.
March 20
In an article in the Las Vegas News Hal Wallis in an interview for the paper remarks that “In order to do the artistic pictures, it is necessary to make the commercially successful Presley pictures. But that doesn’t mean a Presley picture can’t have quality to”
These remarks hurt Elvis deeply and he will often refer to them in private to the end of his life.
April 30
Elvis meets hairdresser Larry Geller for the first time, due to Elvis’ normal hairdresser being unable to make the appointment. The pair strike up a conversation regarding their spiritual studies
and within a couple of hours Elvis has Larry promise to quit his job straight away and go to work for him full time so they can continue their studies.
May 1
As promised Larry reports for his new job with Elvis, bringing with him various books including The Impersonal Life, this book quickly becomes one of Elvis’ favourites and he will closely study it for the rest of his life, as well as pass on many copies to friends and associates over the years.
May 14
Following publicity stills and a brief recording session to overdub the new title song all work on Roustabout is completed.
Elvis spends much of the remainder of the month at his home on Parugia Way studying books with Larry.
June 9
A music meeting is held to discuss Elvis’ next picture Girl Happy.
June 10
Elvis is at Radio Recorders to begin soundtrack recordings. Working from 7.00pm -3.00 am
June 11
Soundtrack recording continues but Elvis is both disappointed by the material and his own performance. And the session ends after 34 takes of Do Not Disturb.
June 15
Elvis completes the vocal soundtrack recordings, and does not set foot in a recording studio again for another 8 months.
June 22
Shooting begins on Girl Happy
June 23
Colonel Parker celebrates his 55th birthday with a party ‘on set’.
August 3
Filming of Girl Happy concludes though Elvis is not released from the picture until the 12th.
August 17
Elvis storms out of a meeting with Col. Parker. Having been accused of being on a ‘religious kick’.
With Elvis retorting ‘My life is not a kick, its real’.
Tension is also building within Elvis’ circle of friends as resentment grows over the amount of time Elvis is spending studying books with Larry Geller. This comes to a head with Elvis firing Joe Esposito for no real reason and replacing him with Marty Lacker.
August 21
Elvis’ next film is to be produced by Allied Artist and titled Tickle Me.
However with the company being in financial difficulties the Colonel comes up with the idea of using previously recorded songs by Elvis for the soundtrack, thus saving money on studio time etc.
Parker sends Elvis a telegram to ask his approval of the idea to which Elvis’ reply is quite simply “Arrangements with records OK. Elvis”
For the remainder of the month Elvis continues his studies with Larry (he even has Larry’s wife and 2 young children fly in to Memphis). However Elvis still finds time to rent out the fairgrounds and the Memphian almost every night.
September 21
Elvis is made a ‘Special Deputy Sheriff’ of Shelby County police force. And is photographed and fingerprinted for his badge.
September 25
On his final night in Memphis Elvis is once again at the Memphian screening one of his favourite films Dr. Strangelove.
Whilst there Elvis asks Jerry Schilling if he would like to join their group heading out to Hollywood tomorrow. Jerry who’s brother is a Memphis policeman has been hanging around the group for some time now often playing football with Elvis and the guys at Guthrie Park.
October 6
Elvis reports to Allied Artists for preproduction work on Tickle Me.
October 23
Vernon and family move to a new house, 1266 Dolan just behind Graceland.
November 18
Hal Wallis’ associate Paul Nathan has a conversation with the Beatles press officer Brian Sommerville in which the officer describes the group’s eagerness to appear in the finale of Elvis’ next Paramount picture. As he says the Beatles ‘are crazy about Elvis’ and if contracts can be agreed they would be very interested in working with him.
November 24
With production over on Tickle Me the caravan of motor homes begins the journey back to Memphis.
December 3
Almost every night of the month Elvis is at the Memphian.
December 14
Elvis hands out his usual $55,000 to local Memphis charities.
December 25
Elvis refuses to accept his Christmas gift from the guys.
It is a tree of life pendant with all the names of the ‘mafia’ engraved on its branches but with one omission, that of Larry Geller. So the gift is returned for it to be corrected.
December 31
Elvis rents out the Memphian.

Posted by: LittleDarlin Jan 18 2007, 07:16 PM

Have been looking forward to this next installment, Thanks for your time Steve notworthy.gif

Posted by: Pacer Jan 20 2007, 01:23 AM

QUOTE (LittleDarlin @ Jan 18 2007, 07:16 PM)
Have been looking forward to this next installment,  Thanks for your time Steve  notworthy.gif

Thanks Carol king.gif

Posted by: pacer1965 Feb 3 2007, 07:47 PM

Thanks Steve angel.gif it must have taken a while to write them swoons.gif


Posted by: Pacer Mar 1 2007, 12:53 PM

QUOTE (pacer1965 @ Feb 3 2007, 07:47 PM)
Thanks Steve angel.gif it must have taken a while to write them swoons.gif


It does take me a while as I'm not the fastest of typers Lorraine pcwhack.gif LSHIC.gif LSHIC.gif

Posted by: Pacer Mar 1 2007, 12:55 PM

January 8
Elvis celebrates his 30th birthday quietly at Graceland.
Various newspaper articles pick up on this noting the “passing of an era” with the Memphis Commercial Appeal running an interview with Elvis in which he says “I guess if you are poor you always think bigger and want more than those who have everything.”
February 24
A hastily put together soundtrack session is arranged for Elvis’ new film Harum Scarum .It’s Elvis’ first recording session in over eight months and the other musicians note Elvis’ dissatisfaction with the material. He works for only four hours going through 38 dreary takes of Shake That Tambourine.
This general lack of interest in his career is not lost on the Colonel who arranges for Elvis to have his cast medical done in Memphis to allow him to delay his departure for Hollywood a little longer.
March 5
During the cross country trip to LA Elvis conveys his disappointment to Larry Geller in that after all his study and meditation he has still not had a ‘religious experience.’
Shortly after this conversation Elvis stops the motor home in the middle of the desert as he sees a cloud formation in the shape of Joseph Stalin’s face which slowly turns into the face of Jesus.
Elvis is visibly shaken by the experience though the majority of the guys traveling with him are clearly skeptical about the whole episode.
March 15
Principal photography begins on Harum Scarum.
Joe Esposito whom Elvis had fired on the way back to Memphis in August ’64 is rehired and joins Marty Lacker as co-foreman of the group.
Around this time Elvis joins the Self Realization Fellowship based in Pacific Palisades and spends many hours with its leader Sri Daya Mata. His relationship with her remains central to his spiritual quest for the rest of his life.
April 4
After seeing Jerry Schillings new Triumph motorcycle Elvis goes on a spending spree purchasing a fleet of bikes for himself and the guys.
April 19
After barely a months production Elvis completes his work on Harum Scarum.
May 11
Preproduction begins on his next movie Frankie and Johnny.
May 12
Elvis spends the next three days recording the soundtrack for his new movie. During the first day Elvis throws a tantrum stating he is “in no mood to record” and storms out the studio leaving the band to record the instrumentals to which Elvis overdubs his vocals to over the following two days.
May 24
Principal photography begins on Frankie and Johnny.
June 18
After a private screening of Harum Scarum even the Col has to concede defeat. Even going so far as to doubt his own judgment on agreeing to such a hurried production schedule. Declaring “It would take a fifty fifth cousin to PT Barnum to sell this picture” also adding “The best thing to do is to book it fast get the money, then try again”.
A month or so later Parker comes up with the suggestion that a talking camel be used in the movie as a narrator so that way the ridiculousness of the presentation might seem intentional.
June 24
Elvis completes publicity stills for Frankie and Johnny and whilst on the set he is recognized at a special ceremony with the likes of Barbara Stanwyck and Frank Sinatra in attendance for his contributing a cheque for $50,000 to the Motion Picture Relief Fund.
June 26
Elvis gives the Colonel an electric golf cart for his 56th birthday.
July 7th
Tickle Me opens nationwide and though it never appears on the box office charts it quickly earns back it’s costs and in the process saves Allied Artists from closure.
During this time Elvis experiments with LSD encouraging friends Red and Sonny West and Alan Fortas to try the drug under his supervision. He also serves up marijuana brownies to the guys obviously fascinated by the psychedelic experience.
August 2
A week late, Elvis arrives at Paramount Studios for pre-production on his next movie Paradise Hawaiian Style. After a cast insurance medical exam and wardrobe fittings Elvis starts laying down vocal overdubs at Radio recorders for the movie soundtrack. This continues for the next two days.
August 5
Elvis and his entourage (which now includes Red and Sonny West, Ray ‘the chief’ Sitton, Larry Geller and Richard Davis) as well as his father and stepmother fly out to Hawaii for location filming.
August 7
Filming begins on Paradise Hawaiian Style.
August 15
Elvis, his father Vernon and Col.Parker visit the U.S.S Arizona memorial where they lay a bell shaped wreath containing 1,177 carnations, one for each serviceman killed aboard the ship.
August 16
Elvis receives a telegram from the president of Capitol Records inviting him to a cocktail party in L.A to meet the Beatles.
He does not attend.
August 27
Amidst tight security the Beatles get to meet Elvis at his Perugia Way home. Elvis remains seated on a long L shaped couch watching a soundless TV when his guests arrive. After a brief chat Elvis picks up his bass and they fool around with a few songs interspersed with sparse conversation and the Beatles go home disappointed, though John Lennon tells Jerry Schilling the evening really meant a lot to him and asks him to let Elvis know that “if it hadn’t been for him the Beatles would be nothing”.
September 11
In a newspaper article the Colonel appears to show his continued frustration with Elvis’ frequent erratic behavior when he states that “sooner or later someone is going to have to take over the reigns”.
September 30
Elvis completes filming on Paradise Hawaiian Style and sets off for Memphis the following day.
October 7
Whilst away there has been extensive work carried out on the grounds of Graceland, namely the construction of the Meditation Garden just beyond the swimming pool. The inspiration coming from the Self Realization Park in Pacific Palisades. The total cost of the garden comes to around $21,000.
October 21
Elvis’ one time bass player Bill Black dies of a brain tumor at the Baptist Hospital in Memphis.
In the commercial Appeal Elvis is quoted as saying that Bill “was a great man and a person that everyone loved. This comes as such a shock to me that I can hardly explain how much I loved Bill”. Whilst Vernon and Dee attend the funeral Elvis does not for fear of causing disruption.
Sales figures show in this year Elvis sells 40% fewer records than he did in 1960 but despite this Colonel Parker still manages to substantially improve Elvis’ RCA contract through to 1972 with a two year option.
October 22
Almost every evening Elvis is at the Memphian Theatre screening movies such as A Patch of Blue, Cleopatra, Dr No, Thunderball and his favourite Dr.Strangelove.
December 17
Elvis makes his annual $50,000 donation to various Memphis charities.
December 14
Elvis purchases various items of jewellery from Harry Levitch including bracelets, charms, diamond rings and gold wristwatches one with the initials GK for friend George Klein.
December 25
Priscilla gives Elvis a home slot car racing set as he has been spending much of his spare time on this activity since being introduced to it in California. Elvis is given a statue of Jesus by his entourage, which they have commissioned from a local artist at a cost of $500. The statue still stands in the Meditation Garden.
Sometime over the holidays Elvis finally tries LSD himself under carefully controlled conditions. And according to Larry Geller like everything he did he tripped ‘Elvis style’.
A few hours after the group ordered pizzas and watched movies. And as far as is known it’s the only time Elvis ever used LSD.
December 31
Elvis holds a party at the Manhattan Club for family, friends and fans.

January 8
Elvis celebrates his thirty first birthday by screening It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World at the Memphian.
He also receives a ceremonial telegram from ninety RCA executives stating “Your understanding and cooperation made 1965 the biggest of all the ten years you have spent with us”.
January 14
Elvis’ passion for slot car racing takes another step up when he orders a professional slot car race track at a cost of $4,990.And he also has plans drawn up for an extension onto the side of Graceland to accommodate the track, ( this is now the Trophy Room ). Toward the end of the month all the guys have their own customized cars and fights break out during some hotly contested races.
January 28
Rumours still persist that the Colonel has plans to sell Elvis’ contract, with an article in one of the Memphis papers declaring that the Beatles manager Brian Epstein is negotiating to buy Elvis’ contract.
February 3
Elvis and his entourage arrive in L.A at the new house 10550 Rocca Place in Bel Air. This house like the Bellagio property is rented from Mrs. Reginald Owen.
February 11
Preproduction work starts on Spinout, and he spends the next few days in the studio recording the soundtrack.
February 21
Principal photography begins on Spinout.
During an interview Elvis indicates that he will never sell Graceland because of the memories of his mother. He also speaks of working on a new gospel album that will be his first non-soundtrack record in 2 years.
March 19
Elvis flies to Vegas for the weekend.
April 2
Colonel Parker and Hal Wallis complete what will be the last contract they both enter into. But not before the Colonel has beaten a better deal out of Wallis on virtually every point. There are no extension options and not altogether surprisingly Wallis will never attempt to do another Presley picture after Easy Come Easy Go.
April 8
Filming concludes on Spinout.
April 16
At the wheel of his newly customized Greyhound bus Elvis and a convoy of cars start the long trip back to Memphis.
April 28
Back at Graceland Elvis once again frequents the Memphian Theatre.
May 22
Elvis and the boys organize a football team on the grounds of Whitehaven High School near Graceland.
May 25
At 1.00am Elvis sets off for Nashville for scheduled recording sessions to take place over the next few days. As previously mentioned these are the first non soundtrack recording he has made in two years. The session are mostly made up of gospel songs for an up coming album of which Elvis will receive a Grammy award for Best Sacred Performance.
These are Felton Jarvis’ first sessions as Elvis’ producer taking over from Chet Atkins who has had enough of doing ‘the night shift’ in reference to Elvis’ sessions always taking place in the small hours.
June 27
Elvis reports to MGM for work on his next movie Double Trouble and is in the studio recording the soundtrack over the next few days.
June 28
Tracey Smith, Gladys’ retarded younger brother dies after a brief illness. Elvis has always been kind to his Uncle Tracey whose favourite saying was “I got my nerves in the dirt”
July 11
Filming begins on Double Trouble.
Around this time the Col turns down a movie offer from Japan stating that Elvis is fully booked up until 1969.
August 6
During the filming of Double Trouble Elvis spends most of his weekends in either Vegas or Palm Springs where the Colonel has a home loaned to him cost free from the William Morris Agency.
August 30
Filming on Double Trouble is completed.
RCA takes up the option of extending Elvis’ current contract through to December ’74.
Rumours start to surface that Elvis and Priscilla are soon to be married. With Vernon going as far as to write to the British Fan Club to quash the rumours though he states that he wouldn’t object to his son marrying Priscilla or any other girl he might choose.
September 6
In preparation for Elvis’ up coming filming of Easy Come Easy Go Hal Wallis writes a long letter to the Colonel expressing his concerns about Elvis’ appearance and how much it has deteriorated since Roustabout.
September 27
Elvis reports to Paramount for pre production work on Easy Come Easy Go. Filming continues through October.
November 7
Principal photography is completed on the movie.
November 22
Hal Wallis delays releasing Elvis from Easy Come Easy Go until today despite the fact that filming had finished two weeks ago. Whether this is due to his getting revenge for all the problems he has had with the Colonel over the years and also on this movie is not known.
November 24
After spending Thanksgiving at the Colonels home in Palm Springs Elvis sets off for home in the newly customized bus.
November 29
On his way home Elvis hears George Klein playing Green Green Grass of Home on his Memphis radio show. He phones the station and requests they play the song over and over again much to the annoyance of Red West who the previous summer had brought Elvis the song to record but was told it was far too country for him to consider it.
December 5
Elvis begins to take a serious interest in horseback riding buying a variety of boots, jackets and other horse riding related clothes.
December 12
Elvis donates $105,000 to various local charities.
December 15
George Klein receives a yellow Cadillac convertible from Elvis.
December 20
Elvis buys two bay horses, one of which is a Christmas present to Priscilla. As part of his ongoing interest in horse riding Elvis also buys horses for Jerry Schilling and his fiancée Sandy Kawelo.
December 24
Elvis proposes to Priscilla and presents her with a ring he has purchased from his favourite jeweler Harold Levitch some time before.
December 25
Christmas is spent at Graceland with family and friends.
December 28
Elvis takes his equestrian activities further by purchasing two more horses though at the same time he returns one of the bay horses he had just bought previous.
Over the next couple of days he buys a further four horses along with a great deal of riding material.
Dec 31
Elvis holds his annual New Years Eve party at the Manhattan Club but he does not attend as he cannot find a parking space outside and returns to Graceland.

Posted by: LittleDarlin Mar 1 2007, 03:55 PM

Fantastic Steve......

Does anyone know anything about that Newspaper interview from September 11th?
I would love to know what the article was about.

Posted by: Pacer Mar 2 2007, 12:38 PM

QUOTE (LittleDarlin @ Mar 1 2007, 03:55 PM)
Does anyone know anything about that Newspaper interview from September 11th?
I would love to know what the article was about.

I wouldn't read too much into what the Colonel was saying Carol.
IMO he was just trying to get to Elvis through the newspaper as opposed to coming out and saying something to his face.
Parker was getting more and more frustrated with Elvis' erratic behaviour and especially him getting so deep into relegion wth Larry Geller so I think he was just trying to scare Elvis by saying things like that in the papers to hopefully get through to him.
Hope that helps smile.gif

Posted by: LittleDarlin Mar 2 2007, 04:02 PM

Yeah Steve it does.

Then I think well, if he couldn't/didn't want to say anything to Elvis about it........was he as controlling as we have been led to believe undecided.gif

Posted by: Pacer Mar 2 2007, 10:20 PM

QUOTE (LittleDarlin @ Mar 2 2007, 04:02 PM)
Yeah Steve it does.

Then I think well, if he couldn't/didn't want to say anything to Elvis about it........was he as controlling as we have been led to believe  undecided.gif

Probably after the way Elvis stormed out of Parkers office after their first argument about his 'religious kick' re: Aug 17 1964, he probably thought he would try a different method.

NOTE Hyperlinks are now starting to be added to certain names and places etc starting from the first years covered ( page 1) and continuing on from there as and when I have the time and info available. smile.gif

Posted by: LittleDarlin Mar 2 2007, 11:36 PM

QUOTE (Pacer @ Mar 2 2007, 10:20 PM)
Probably after the way Elvis stormed out of Parkers office after their first argument about his 'religious kick' re: Aug 17 1964, he probably thought he would try a different method.

NOTE Hyperlinks are now starting to be added to certain names and places etc starting from the first years covered ( page 1) and continuing on from there as and when I have the time and info available. smile.gif

FANTASTIC PACER clap.gif clap.gif clap.gif

Posted by: stefan Mar 6 2007, 09:23 AM

GREAT work Steve ! I bow for you: notworthy.gif notworthy2.gif

It's interesting to read that Parker not only declined concert offers from Japan in the 70's, but also movie offers in the 60's, claiming in 1966 that Elvis was fully booked till 1969. Were the movie contracts indeed that far ahead, or was Parker talking out of his *ss here ?

Posted by: Pacer Jul 28 2007, 11:24 AM

January 2
On this day a new agreement comes into effect which for the first time recognises Elvis and Colonel Parker to be engaged what amounts to be a partnership or joint venture. Within this agreement the Colonel will now receive 50% of any profits or royalties beyond basic payments, as well as 50% of all special or side deals.
January 3
Over the next few days Elvis’s current obsession of horse-back riding escalates. He buys a Palomino horse called Midgets Vandy, that he rechristens Rising Sun, as well as buying other horses and purchasing horse riding equipment for various friends. The barn behind Graceland is renovated to accommodate the horses and Elvis now names the barn the House of the Rising Sun.
January 8
Elvis spends his 32nd birthday at Graceland.
January 9
Over the coming days Elvis buys another five horses and has the area behind Graceland cleared and bulldozed to create a riding ring.
January 24
Colonel Parker renegotiates Elvis’s contract with RCA through 1974 with an extension through 1980. Elvis receives word of the new contract and telegrams the Colonel, ‘Dear Colonel the greatest snowman on earth has caused another storm’. Looking forward to another great forecast from you, respectfully Elvis.
Before the end of the month Elvis purchases another three horses.
February 8
During a horse buying trip in Mississippi Elvis and the boys come across Twinkletown Farm a 160 acre cattle ranch, marked by a lighted 65 foot high white cross about 10 miles from Graceland. The property is for sale and Elvis almost immediately decides to buy it, costing him $437,000. Soon after Elvis and the gang take up residence at the ranch which is renamed The Circle G (for Graceland). During the next three weeks, Elvis purchases at least two dozen pick-ups for use on the ranch, he also starts buying house trailers as the main ranch house is too small for the group and yet more horses.
February 21
On this day Elvis was scheduled to report to United Artists for the start of filming on Clambake however the Colonel realising the impossibility of getting Elvis away from the ranch arranges for the cast insurance exam to take place at RCA’s Studio B in Nashville where the soundtrack for the movie is due to be recorded. Recording continues over the next couple of days though it is obvious to all that Elvis’s mind is elsewhere. He even turns up at the studio for vocal overdubs dressed in a cowboy outfit complete with chaps.
February 26
Elvis puts off flying to L.A. once again this time complaining of saddle sores. On the advice of George Klein’s girlfriend Elvis calls Dr. George Nichopoulos to resolve the problem. He and Elvis immediately become friends and is the beginning of a long standing friendship.
March 3
Colonel Parker frustrated and embarrassed by Elvis’s continuing delays manages to get a postponement from United Artists on the condition that he reports without fail on Monday March 6. Elvis’s spending spree on the ranch continues as he buys eleven Rancheros, two more pick-ups and yet another mobile home.
March 6
Elvis reports to United Artists to begin work on Clambake.
March 8
The Colonel writes to MGM in the hope that for Elvis’s next film scriptwriters can come up with a good hard hitting story. He says he wants to do away with the same old scenarios focusing on girls in bikinis and nightclub scenes which have been in the last 15 pictures.
March 9
Sometime during the night Elvis falls in the bathroom in his house at Rocca Place badly bruising his head. The Colonel arrives with a doctor soon after, x-rays are taken, but shows no fracture and Elvis is confined to his bed for a couple of days. This gives the Colonel the opportunity he has long been waiting for, he gathers all the guys into the living room and reprimands each and every one of them, but especially Larry Geller, he continually stomps his cane into the floor and says to the effect ‘Some people had better start looking for new jobs’. Vernon and Priscilla fly out immediately upon hearing of the accident and in the meantime Colonel Parker has dismissed Marty Lacker as co-foreman, thus leaving Joe Esposito in sole charge. Larry Geller is effectively banned from the group and everyone told there will be no more religious discussions and certainly no more books to fill Elvis’s head with.
March 20
Elvis returns to the studio after 11 days off to begin rehearsals for Clambake.
March 22
Principal photography begins with Elvis back to his old self as co-star Bill Bixby recalls many high-jinx on the set. Over the next two weeks both Easy Come, Easy Go and Double Trouble open Nationwide with both films grossing less than $2,000,000, this leaves Hal Wallis in no doubt that Elvis is no longer the attraction he once was.
April 12
Wrought-iron protective bars are fitted over the windows at Graceland, which can still be seen today replacing the old burglar proof screens that were fitted in 1963.
April 27
Elvis completes work on Clambake.
April 28
More rumours appear in the papers of Elvis’s imminent marriage. Meanwhile members of Elvis’s wedding party begin to assemble in Palm Springs with security so tight that not even close friends Lamar Fike and Alan Fortas receive invitations. Larry Gellar only learns of the wedding when he sees it on the front of a supermarket tabloid.
May 1
Elvis, Priscilla and the wedding party fly out to Las Vegas in 2 leased jets, obtaining a $15 marriage licence at 3.30 a.m. at the Clark County Court House. At 11.45 a.m. in The Aladdin Hotel on the 2nd floor, Suite of the Colonel’s friend and hotel owner Milton Prell, Supreme Court Justice David Zenoff marries Elvis and Priscilla. Only Joe Esposito and Marty Lacker, Elvis’s two best men are present. As Colonel Parker at the last minute decides the room is too small to accommodate everyone.
Everyone is present at the reception afterwards, with the exception of Red West (and his wife) who is furious at being excluded from the ceremony. He and Elvis will remain estranged for the next two years.
April 4
After two days honeymooning in Palm Springs the newly married couple fly back to Memphis. The following day she persuades Elvis to burn all the books the Colonel had banned.
May 8
Ann Margret marries the actor Roger Smith.
May 29
Elvis and Priscilla hold a reception at Graceland for friends, relatives and employees. They are dressed in their full wedding attire. The room just off the pool patio that recently held the now dismantled slot-car track is decorated in green and white for the 8.30 p.m. affair.
June 7
Elvis sends a guitar shaped flower arrangement to Ann Margret for her opening in Vegas. Something Elvis will continue to do for everyone of her Vegas openings until his death.
June 9
Priscilla learns she is pregnant just before leaving for California with Elvis and the gang as he is due to start work on his next motion picture Speedway. The larger than normal caravan of cars and tourers sets of for California including for the first and only time wives and girlfriends with the journey becoming somewhat of an extended family vacation much of which was captured on home movies by Joe Esposito.
June 19
Elvis reports to MGM for pre-production of Speedway, he presents co-star Nancy Sinatra with a car that has Speedway painted on one door and starring Nancy and Elvis on the other.
June 20
Soundtrack recording for Speedway takes place at the MGM Studio in Culver City.
June 26
Principal photography begins for Speedway.
July 12
On the movie set Elvis announces to all that Priscilla is pregnant. He later tells reporters ’This is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me’.
August 8
Vernon begins to sell off pick-up trucks, mobile homes and cattle from the ranch as Elvis’s interest in horse back riding etc has virtually vanished.
August 18
Principal photography for Speedway is completed.
August 21
After completing looping on Speedway, after lunch Elvis has make-up tests for his next picture Stay Away Joe.
August 22
Elvis is scheduled to begin two nights of recording sessions, however the plans are scrapped when Elvis’s friend Richard Davis accidently knocks over and kills a gardener who steps out onto the road from behind a hedge near to Elvis’s Bel-Air home. The Colonel worried about bad publicity sends Elvis and the group off to Vegas.
August 27
Elvis spends some time at the ranch having now taking up a new hobby, target shooting, buying rifles, targets, ear protectors and other supplies. However by the end of September the ranch is up for sale.
September 10
Re-scheduled recording sessions begin for the next two days, with Elvis cutting some of his most contemporary recordings to date, these include Guitar Man written by Jerry Reed who also plays guitar on the track, the resulting song sets a good feeling for the rest of the session at which Elvis also cuts the song Big Boss Man, however the mood quickly changes when music publisher Freddy Beinstock gets into an argument over publishing rights with Reed and the songwriter storms out. Recording session continues the next day.
October 1
Elvis is at Nashville’s Studio B to record three songs for the Stay Away Joe soundtrack. Elvis is so discouraged with the quality of the material that he goes as far as to have his record producer Felton Jarvis swear to never release one of its songs, Dominic (a song which Elvis sings to a bull) on record.
October 5
Elvis spends a few days in Vegas before travelling to Arizona for location shooting.
October 9
Principal photography begins on Stay Away Joe in Sedona, Arizona.
October 26
Priscilla and several wives and girlfriends fly out from Memphis to Sedona.
November 6
Now that Elvis’s movie contracts have ran out Colonel Parker is busy lining up new work for Elvis. He makes a deal with National General Pictures for one film (Charro) and also continues negotiations which had begun in October with NBC vice-president Tom Sarnoff for a Christmas special to be shown in 1968.
November 22
Location shooting is completed for Stay Away Joe.
November 28
Elvis completes filming and is released by MGM.
November 30
Plans are drawn up for a nursery and other renovations on the second floor at Graceland.
December 10
Elvis and Priscilla fly to San Francisco to visit her family who are currently stationed at Travis Air Force Base near Sacramento, they return to Memphis six days later.
December 25
Elvis and Priscilla spend Christmas at Graceland. Soon after the ranch is shut down with the remaining horses etc. moving back to Graceland where Elvis and his friends continued to ride around the grounds.
December 31
For the first time Elvis holds his New Years Eve party at the thunderbird lounge on Adam Street, several singers entertain including Sun Records rockabilly singer Billy Lee Riley. Elvis and Priscilla dance several times including once to his request of ‘Summertime’.

Posted by: LittleDarlin Jul 28 2007, 04:14 PM

Well worth waiting for Steve Thank Mate rockon.gif

Posted by: NightRider Sep 12 2007, 06:04 PM

Nicely done Steve...... notworthy.gif

Can't believe that i never saw this before now.... oops.gif

Posted by: One Night Sep 12 2007, 10:31 PM

swoon.gif swoon.gif

oops.gif i didnt see it either Steve...........sorry mate

1967 ......the year i was born blush.gif

Great that took ages to type in......... thanks.gif


Posted by: Pacer Sep 13 2007, 01:34 AM

Thanks for the comments Carol,Chris and Jules...I'm pleased you like it....and yes it took ages to type fingers are sore for weeks after, thats why it takes so long between

Posted by: Pacer Jan 9 2008, 10:49 AM


January 3
Elvis is unhappy with the mix of his new single Guitar Man which to him sounds as if it has been altered from the original sound achieved in the studio. He complains to RCA that his voice is too prominent where as the original was more integrated with the band.
January 8
Elvis celebrates his 33rd birthday at Graceland and screens movies at the Memphian in the evening.
January 12
Details are released by NBC Vice-President Tom Sarnoff concerning Elvis’ first television appearance in eight years. The deal will pay Elvis $250,000 for a Christmas T.V. special, also included are plans for a feature film for which Elvis will be paid $850,000 and a further $25,000 for the films music.
January 15
Elvis flies to Nashville where over the next couple of days he records some new tracks for Stay Away Joe as well as additional songs for RCA which include Too Much Monkey Business and US Male both which feature the guitar skills of Jerry Reed which help inspire Elvis to record some of his best material in a number of years.
February 1
Priscilla gives birth to a baby girl at Baptist Hospital in Memphis at 5.01 p.m. Elvis and some of his friends wait nervously for news in a doctors lounge set-a-side for their use. A special detail of Memphis police paid for by Elvis stand guard at the hospital over the next four days.
February 5
Elvis brings Priscilla and baby Lisa Marie home to Graceland.
February 6
Elvis’ father Vernon is given power of attorney, putting him in official charge of all of Elvis’ business activities. Elvis’ long time friend, actor Nick Adams passes away.
February 14
Elvis and Priscilla lay a wreath of flowers on Gladys’ grave with a card reading Elvis-Priscilla-Lisa Marie. The florist is given special orders that the card be burned along with the flowers when they wilt.
February 25
Elvis and Priscilla take residence in their new home at 1174 Hillcrest Drive. The house is much more secluded than their previous property at only Charlie Hodge and Patsy and Gee Gee Gambill live with the Presleys.
March 4
Elvis reports to MGM for pre-production of his new movie Kiss My Firm But Pliant Lips. This title will soon be revised to Live A Little Love A Little and once again Norman Taurog will direct.
March 5
Bob Finkel is selected as Producer for the NBC Television Special. Elvis begins rehearsals and script readings for his new movie.
March 7
After morning script rehearsals Elvis goes to Western Recorders on Sunset Boulevard to record the soundtrack for the movie.
March 13
Principle photography begins for Live A Little Love A Little.
March 15
Location scenes for the movie are filmed at Marineland in L.A.
March 28
Tom Sarnoff asks the Colonel for Elvis to do a brief walk-on on a another NBC show to advertise his forthcoming special, however the Colonel demands $250,000 for Elvis’ services, needless to say Sarnoff passes up the Colonels request.
April 4
Martin Luther King is assassinated in Memphis. Elvis takes the news just as hard as he did JFK’s assassination, though more personally because of it happening in his home town. Elvis often recites Dr King’s “I have a Dream” speech over the years but no more often than Douglas MacArthur’s Farewell Address.
April 6
Elvis and Priscilla fly to Vegas to see Tom Jones’ midnight show at The Flamingo.
April 8
Electric gates are installed at the Hillcrest house to ensure greater privacy as Lisa Marie grows up.
April 14
Elvis and Priscilla spend Easter at their new rental house on Camino del Norte in Palm Springs.
May 1
The Deli Restaurant on La Cienega caters a party at the new rental house for Elvis and Priscilla’s first wedding anniversary. Principal photography ends on Live A Little Love A Little. The Colonel holds a meeting with both MGM Representatives from NBC and Executives from the T.V. Specials sponsor Singer Sewing Machine Company. Producer Bob Finkel persuades the Colonel to change the format of the Christmas Special to an Elvis Special which will include songs taken from his entire career. The Colonel surprisingly agrees and hands over creative control to Finkel.
May 16
Bob Finkel hires young director Steve Binder for the T.V. Special. Binders partner Bones Howe who once worked as an assistant engineer at Radio Recorders when Elvis first recorded there in ‘56 will produce the music for the Special.
May 18
Elvis, Priscilla and Lisa Marie along with Charlie Hodge, the Gambill’ and the Esposito’ fly to Hawaii in order for Elvis to get a sun tan prior to filming.
May 25
Whilst in Hawaii Elvis and Priscilla attend Ed Parkers championship karate tournament, Ed in later years will become one of Elvis’ closest friends, it is also worth mentioning that the tournament is held at the Honolulu International Center where five years later the Aloha from Hawaii T.V. Special Concert will be filmed. The couple also meet former international light contact champion, Mike Stone.
June 3
Looking tanned and fit Elvis reports to the Binder-Howe offices on Sunset Boulevard at 1 p.m. for the start of informal rehearsals which will carry on for the next two weeks. Elvis is told writers Chris Beard and Alan Blye have created a thematic link along the lines of Belgium playwright Maurice Maeterlinck’s 1909 theatre staple The Blue Bird, this story is of a young man who sets out from home searching for happiness travelling half way around the world, only to find happiness resided all along in his own backyard. The song Guitar Man will serve as a kind of autobiographical link tieing various scenes in the special together. When asked of his opinion Elvis simply says he likes it. Binder and Howe ask Elvis for more input, but he simply says I like it all.
June 6
After Robert Kennedy is assassinated in San Francisco, Steve Binder witnesses Elvis’s heartfelt reaction, this compels him to ask songwriter Earl Brown to compose a closing number capturing Elvis’s idealistic sentiments. Binder later says here was a guy who was not prejudiced, who was raised in the heart of prejudice, but who was really above all that.
June 11
Bill Belew costume designer for the special meets with Elvis. Belew suggests putting Elvis in a black leather suit with a high “Napoleonic” collar to frame Elvis’s face. The only suggestion Elvis has a problem with is the reprise of the gold lame suit though he finally agrees to a gold jacket with black tuxedo trousers.
June 12
Speedway opens across the U.S. and barely recovers production costs.
June 19
After watching Elvis and the guys fooling around in rehearsals with various songs etc, Steve Binder comes up with the idea to film an informal jam session, for a short while he actually thinks of filming these dressing room jam sessions, however after talking to Elvis he settles on the idea of bringing in Elvis’s original musicians from the 50’s, Scotty Moore and D.J. Fontana and records a live informal jam on the stage that has been set-a-side for the more formal live concert at the centre of the show.
June 20
Elvis has wardrobe fittings and also on this day the Colonel reminds song publisher Freddy Bienstock to keep out of the way once a song has been recorded, because all musical selections on production are strictly up to Elvis and the producers. Parker is quoted as saying, “If the Colonel can’t stick his nose in, the other people are self-explanatory”.
June 21
Steve Binder inspired by the intensity that Elvis brings to the recording process and the man he has come to know over the last few weeks, asks vocal arranger Earl Brown to commission a song that embodies the idealism he feels the show should project as Binder feels to end the show with a Christmas song would be sacriliege. Brown overnight writes the song If I Can Dream and brings it to Binder who convinces the Colonel, Singer and NBC to let Elvis end the show with this song. Elvis embraces the idea and everyone falls in line, including the Colonel who half heartedly suggests that there must be a Christmas song somewhere in the show.
June 22
Scotty Moore and DJ Fontana (Elvis’ guitarist and drummer from his Sun Studio’s days) arrive from Nashville and immediately strike up the rapport they have always had with Elvis.
June 24
Rehearsals take place at NBC studios from 11.00am -4.00pm.Elvis then works on the informal section of the show with Scotty and DJ.
June 25
Various rehearsals and run through’s are actioned today. Both the ‘gospel’ and ‘guitar man’ sequence are worked on as well as more rehearsals for the informal segment.
At 6.15pm a press conference is held, when Elvis is asked “Why are you finally doing a TV special now?” He replies “We figured it was about time. Besides, I figured I’d better do it before I get too old”.
June 26
Following a complete run through of the show there is a birthday party held for Colonel Parker. Set to the melody of ‘It Hurts Me’ and with lyrics rewritten by the shows scriptwriters Elvis sings the song to Parker complete with various comic put downs including, ‘It hurts me to see the budget climb so high’ and ‘the way Finkel spends my dough’ concluding with the Colonels now familiar lament ‘Is it too much to ask for one lousy tired ol’ Christmas song?’
June 27
At 9.00am the gospel medley is rehearsed and at 1.00pm the amusement park sequence is filmed. At 6.00pm the first of the 2 one hour informal ‘sit down’ shows is recorded in front of a live audience. Just as Elvis is about to go on stage he panics and starts to have serious doubts about the show.
“What if I freeze?” he says to Steve Binder to witch Binder replies “ Then you go out, sit down, look at everyone, get up, and walk off. But you are going out there”
Elvis does go out and puts on two of the greatest and most mesmerising performances of his career.
June 28
The gospel medley is taped in the morning as is the ’bordello’ scene. Meanwhile the shows choreographer holds rehearsals for the Elvis look-alikes who will be featured in the shows opening ’Guitar Man’ sequence.
June 29
After more rehearsals during the day Elvis tapes the 2 ’stand up’ performances for the show. Again much like the ’sit down’ performances they showcase Elvis’ magnificent ability to command the stage with his magnetism, all round showmanship and amazing voice.
June 30
With production falling behind schedule an extra day is added to complete the taping. The first part of the day is taking up completing the “Guitar Man” road medley after which Elvis performs 4 live vocal takes (3 of them complete) the Climatic Number “If I Can Dream” the final take (officially the fifth, since an incomplete rehearsal is counted as the first) will be used for the final broadcast.
The rest of the day spent on completing various sequences and portions of the show.
July 1
Elvis spends a week resting in Palm Springs.
July 8
Elvis reports to National General for pre-production of his new movie which at the moment has working titles of Johnny Hang, Jack Valentine and Come Hell or Come Sundown but will eventually be called “Charro”.
July 22
Principal photography for Charro begins in Apache Junction, Arizona. Elvis and friends occupy rooms on the second floor of the Superstition Inn outside Phoenix. A bearded Elvis arrives on set with high hopes of making a “raw” western depicting life in the early West but discovers to his dismay production is in as much a state of confusion as the films wandering title.
August 20
After viewing a rough-cut of the NBC special the Colonel is outraged that not a single Christmas song has made it into the final edit. In a two page memo he expresses his astonishment that after all his concessions the one thing he had been assured would never happen has happened. The Christmas number has to be put back in the show the Colonel warns “or we will all lose a tremendous amount of promotion”. The Colonel also states the show should be put on ice until the following summer and NBC should do a complete Christmas Show as per our contract. With this in mind as throw away version of Blue Christmas is restored into the final cut of the special.
August 27
Elvis holds a buffet dinner for cast and crew at Goldwyn Studios then heads to Vegas for a brief stay at The Aladdin Hotel.
August 2
Filming is completed and Elvis is released by National General.
September 2
For most of the month Elvis is in Palm Springs.
September 11
Variety magazine releases news that the bordello scene has been cut from the tv special due to the sponsors request.
September 25
Elvis flies home to Memphis at around 6 a.m.
September 26
Elvis, Priscilla and various friends go the Memphian to watch the Thomas Crown Affair, starring Steve McQueen and Clint Eastwood’s Hang ‘Em High. Elvis goes to the movies virtually every night of his two weeks at home.
September 28
Dewey Phillips, the first d.j. to play an Elvis record dies at age 42, Elvis tells a local news reporter we were good friends and I have always appreciated everything he did for me in helping me in my career in the early days.
October 1
Elvis attends Dewey’s funeral at the Memphis Funeral Home.
October 13
Elvis flies back to L.A. with Priscilla and Lisa Marie.
October 15
Although the intention of Charro was to present Elvis in a straight dramatic role, MGM now call upon him to record a title song for the movie along with one other number which in the end does not make it into the finished film.
October 22
Elvis begins pre-production for his new (and final) MGM film, Chautauqua with rehearsals starting at 11 a.m. The Colonel expresses to concern about the title which he feels will be difficult to advertise properly, so it is eventually changed to “The Trouble with Girls” (and how to get into it),
October 23
Live a Little, Love a Little opens nationwide and does as poorly as Speedway had in June.
October 29
Principal photography begins.
November 14
Elvis has the day off from filming and flies to Reno.
December 3
“Elvis” (in the ad it says Singer presents Elvis) airs in the U.S. to critical acclaim and gives NBC a 42% share of the viewing audience making it the number one show for the season.
December 10
William Morris agent Abe Lastfogel is informed by the Colonel that Elvis will consider an engagement in Las Vegas at a price of $500,000 for four weeks or $300,000 for two weeks, plus in addition to having Mondays off and performing one show a night on weeknights (at 11.30 p.m.) and two shows a night on the weekend.
December 12
Abe Lastfogel is swamped with requests for more tv appearances but the Colonel tells him to respond that Elvis is not available.
December 18
Filming on The Trouble with Girls is completed and Elvis is released by the studio.
December 19
Kirk Kerkorian owner of the as yet unfinished International Hotel in Las Vegas strikes up a deal with the Colonel for Elvis to perform at the venues 2,000 seat showroom (the largest in Vegas). The arrangement is for Elvis to open in July 1969 with a four week engagement performing seven nights a week, the standard two shows a night. Salary is $100,000 per week out of which Elvis will pay for his band and back-up singers.
December 20
Elvis flies home to Memphis and for the month he is there he attends the movies almost every night.
December 23
At Goldsmiths Department Store in Memphis, Elvis’s friend Joe Esposito purchases gift certificates in amounts between $100 and $200 to be used as Christmas presents by Elvis.
December 25
Elvis, Priscilla and Lisa Marie spend Christmas at Graceland with Vernon dressing up as Santa for Lisa’s first Christmas.
December 31
Elvis’s New Year’s Eve party is held once again at The Thunderbird Lounge. Performers this year include The Shortcuts, Vaneese Starks, Flash and the board of directors Billy Lee Riley and B.J. Thomas.

Posted by: NightRider Jan 9 2008, 08:31 PM

Excellent and detailed as ever Steve. Some interesting reading there.....especially the Colonel throwing several "wobblies" as the NBC wasn't going the way he wanted it to...and ain't we so thankful that he didn't get that all his own way.....

Also made me smile about him changing the name of Chautauqua to The Trouble With Girls ( and how to get into it).........much more of a catchy title LSHIC.gif LSHIC.gif

Posted by: Pacer Jan 11 2008, 03:00 AM

QUOTE (NightRider @ Jan 9 2008, 08:31 PM) *
Also made me smile about him changing the name of Chautauqua to The Trouble With Girls ( and how to get into it).........much more of a catchy title LSHIC.gif LSHIC.gif

Yeah Chris I had to laugh at that to when I saw could the Colonel say Chataqua was a hard title to to sell a film with..and then go and change to something as ridiculous as the final title he chose.. wings_hmm.gif as if that makes it any easier..

Posted by: Scatter Jan 11 2008, 03:11 AM

HOW IN THE NAME OF SCATTER'S NANNERS DID I MISS THIS THREAD?!?!?!?! Steve, you're my hero buddy...........this was a FANTASTIC idea!!! Thanks for all the work you put into it mate!! I'll be a regular visitor here now, you can be sure of that.

Posted by: Pacer Jan 11 2008, 03:25 AM

Awe thanks for the kind words bringin a tear to ol Pacer's eye...either that or smoke from my camp fire gettin in my eyes...laugh.gif..seriuosly though..thanks Gary...I'm pleased you like it all

Posted by: Elvis_Priestly Jan 11 2008, 09:50 AM

Great stuff again Steve! This thread is a fine resource and what a year 1968 was! Lisa-Marie, TV Special, Vegas Contract and he still managed to do three films!!

Posted by: LittleDarlin Jan 12 2008, 07:46 AM

Thanks Pacer, I appreciate your time.

Posted by: Pacer Jan 12 2008, 02:46 PM

QUOTE (LittleDarlin @ Jan 12 2008, 07:46 AM) *
Thanks Pacer, I appreciate your time.

YW..Carol....good to see you back around the forum... smile.gif smile.gif

Posted by: pacer1965 Feb 21 2008, 03:06 PM

Great read Steve thanks notworthy2.gif Are you stopping at 1973? wink.gif EPE might be after you if you don't busted_cop.gif whistling.gif laugh.gif


Posted by: Scatter Feb 22 2008, 01:06 AM

UPDATE...........UPDATE............UPDATE!!! Get to work you loafer LSHIC.gif

Posted by: Pacer Feb 22 2008, 04:09 AM

loafer? thats a type of shoe isnt it?..laugh.gif

Posted by: pacer1965 Feb 22 2008, 11:32 AM

I think your right Gary,he has been slacking just lately busted_cop.gif whistling.gif LSHIC.gif


Posted by: Pacer Feb 22 2008, 11:22 PM

QUOTE (pacer1965 @ Feb 22 2008, 11:32 AM) *
I think your right Gary,he has been slacking just lately busted_cop.gif whistling.gif LSHIC.gif

Shush you two..I'm the worlds slowest typer me..laugh.gif

Posted by: Scatter Feb 23 2008, 03:41 AM

QUOTE (Pacer @ Feb 22 2008, 06:22 PM) *
Shush you two..I'm the worlds slowest typer me..laugh.gif


I might give you a run for the slowest typer title buddy!! I really do appreciate all the work here mate. Terrific stuff!!

Posted by: Pacer Feb 23 2008, 11:51 AM

Thanks Gary...very nice of you to say so...its all good problem...laugh.gif

Posted by: spanish eyes Mar 26 2008, 08:27 PM

I have a confession.... I started to read this a while back, then you must have stopped typing, then I came back and started to read it again from the beginning. I've oooooooo and OMG and laughed reading it, good job Steve up.gif

Are you still having a rest in between years? lol

Posted by: Pacer Oct 14 2008, 01:21 PM

January 6
Various discussions take place at Graceland between Elvis and his record producer Felton Jarvis over a scheduled recording session later in the month to be held in Nashville. However friends George Klein and Marty Lacker suggest to Elvis that he should try recording at Chips Moman’s American Studio on Thomas Street, North Memphis. Felton agrees with the idea as it might help give Elvis a fresh sound plus the convenience of not having to travel as far as Nashville and a decision is made.
January 8
Elvis celebrates his 34th birthday at Graceland.
Elvis reports to American Sound studios for a recording session with some of the country’s top session men including guitarist Reggie Young, bassist Tommy Cogbill and drummer Bobby Wood. The musicians are at first sceptical of Elvis’ commitment to the session but soon change their opinion when the first song (Long Black Limousine) is rehearsed. Despite Elvis having a heavy cold the session runs until 5.00am and 3 songs are cut.
January 14
Recordings continue from 7.00pm until 8.30am with several more songs committed to tape. But Elvis’ cold gets worse and he leaves for home while the musicians lay down backing tracks for further recordings and overdubs for the songs already recorded.
January 20-22
With Elvis now recovered from his cold the sessions resume for the next 3 days at American Sound studios. Recording some of his finest work in years including massive hit singles In The Ghetto (23 takes) and Suspicious Minds which Elvis completes in only 4 takes.
During these sessions Elvis meets one of his heroes r&b star Roy Hamilton and in a moment of spontaneous generosity Elvis offers him one of his songs Angelica which he was due to record.
January 24
Along with several of the entourage Elvis, Priscilla and Lisa fly out to Aspen Colorado for a ski and snow-mobile holiday.
February 1
In Aspen the group celebrate Lisa Marie’s first birthday.
Over the next few weeks a huge legal battle breaks out over the publishing rights to Suspicious Minds and a division between Felton Jarvis and Chips Moman has also began to arise as Felton feels Elvis is being taken away from him.
However the difficulties are eventually smoothed over and another session is booked at American Sound.
Elvis is at the studios every night usually from 7.30pm until around 5.30am again recording some of his most contemporary music to date, including songs True Love Travels On A Gravel Road, Stranger In My Own Hometown, Only The Strong Survive and Kentucky Rain.
February 26
Whilst in Vegas Elvis and the Colonel visit the construction site of the International Hotel and Elvis is photographed signing his contract to appear there in the coming summer, however the real document is actually signed on April 15th.
March 5
In L.A. Elvis begins work on the soundtrack to his last ever scripted movie Change of Habit. Sessions run from 7.00pm until 2.00am at Decca Universal Studios.
March 10
Pre-production work begins on the movie, which co-stars Mary Tyler Moore.
March 12
Filming begins primarily in the studio though some locations around L.A. are used.
March 27
Elvis begins work on material for his up coming Vegas engagement working closely with Charlie Hodge on plans for the show. Joe Esposito buys a new tape recorder, speakers and other audio equipment as well as a drum kit all for ongoing musical experimentation.
April 15
Elvis signs the official contract for his Vegas engagement at the International Hotel. In the contract there is a clause permitting filming of a concert documentary as well as an option for a second season and complimentary suites for both Elvis and the Colonel.
April 29
With filming now complete on the movie Elvis is dismissed from Change Of Habit.
May 4
Elvis, Priscilla and Lisa together with the Gambills, the Fikes, the Espositos and Charlie Hodge they all fly out to Hawaii. They spend time at 2 hotels, the Ilikai and Coco Palms.
May 18
The group return to L.A.
May 20
The Circle G ranch is sold for $440,000 to the North Mississippi Gun Club though the ranch will end up back in Elvis’ hands when they default on the payments.
May 28
Now back in Memphis Elvis spends most of the day sleeping before taking a late afternoon dip in the pool. This is followed by the now regular autograph signing sessions down at the gates. During the night he screens Goodbye, Columbus, Winning ( a racing film with Paul Newman) and Death of a Gun Fighter at the Memphian.
June 8
Once again Elvis is down at the gates signing autographs and meeting the fans. According to Elvis’ uncle Vester the Colonel doesn’t like him doing this but feels it is helping him get used to crowds again in preparation for his upcoming Vegas shows.
June 10
International owner Kirk Kerkorian arranges an 8.00pm flight for Elvis and some friends to fly from Memphis to Vegas to view construction of the new two thousand seat showroom. From here Elvis flies on to L.A. for wardrobe fittings with Bill Belew whom Elvis had previously worked with on the NBC special.
July 14
Around this time Elvis speaks with virtually every musician he knows about accompanying him to Vegas. He finally settles on a band that comprises of James Burton (lead guitar) Larry Muhoberac (keyboards) Ronnie Tutt (drums) Jerry Scheff (bass) and John Wilkinson (rhythm guitar). He also hires gospel singers The Imperials and The Sweet Inspirations.
July 18
Rehearsals begin at the RCA studio on Sunset Blvd. With Elvis and the musicians learning around 150 songs over the next six nights of work. Charlie Hodge continues his role working closely with Elvis on song choices and pacing of the show, his role as a serious musical collaborator and on stage helper are set from the start.
July 28
With rehearsals running every day Elvis takes a break to catch another of Barbra Streisand’s shows at the hotel. Elvis remarks to Charlie that “its one helluva big stage to fill” and that he’s pleased his band and back up singers will be around him.
July 29
Two days of rehearsals now follow in the showroom itself along with the 30 piece International orchestra led by Bobby Morris.
Meanwhile Colonel Parker has been running massive ad campaigns all over Vegas and the surrounding areas.
July 31
During the course of the day Elvis the musicians, back up singers and orchestra go through two complete shows, with Elvis dressed in one of the karate style “Cossack” outfits Bill Belew has designed complete with dangling macramé belt.
At 8.15pm The Sweet Inspirations start the opening of the show, while backstage Elvis is trying to cope with a bout of panic attacks that don’t cease until he takes the stage to rapturous applause at 10.15pm.
The invitation -only audience consists of stars of screen and music as well as the press many of whom have been flown in on Kirk Kerkorian’s private jet. The response to Elvis’ performance is almost cataclysmic as Elvis is bursting with energy, falling to his knees, sliding across the stage and according to some reports even doing summersaults and the audience is on its feet almost the entire show.
The press reports over the following days have the reporters almost lost for words trying to explain what they have witnessed.
After the show in the hotel coffee shop after some impromptu negotiations Parker rewrites Elvis’ contract on the tablecloth along with International president Alex Shoofey. Elvis’ salary is raised to $125,000 a week while extending the hotels option to include two engagements a year for the next five years.
Aug 1
During a 12.30am press conference following the show, Elvis confesses to the press that he was “a little nervous for the first three songs” but then thought “What the heck, get with it man, or you might be out of a job tomorrow”
The evening show takes on the usual set up for the remainder of the engagement, two shows a night starting at 8.15pm and the next at midnight.
Aug 14
Parker completes a deal for Elvis to appear at the Houston Livestock and Rodeo show at the Astrodome from Feb 27th - March 3rd for a fee of $150,000.
Aug 21
Felton Jarvis tests recording equipment during an afternoon rehearsal and dinner performance for a full taping of the midnight show. These are the first recordings of Elvis playing with the new band.
Aug 22
By now Elvis is in total control of the shows and often engaging in informal chats with the audience. However in the Colonels view some of these “chats” can sometimes be deemed offensive especially during the dinner shows when children are present. He writes to Elvis expressing his opinions and concludes saying “Only you can change it” and “not to undo all of the good that we have created during the first part of our engagement”.
Aug 28
Elvis completes his record breaking summer season with total attendance figures of 101,500 and gross receipts of $1,522,635. Compared to Dean Martin who has just finished a 3 week stint at the smaller Riviera Hotel with attendance figures of 50,000.
Alex Shoofey conveys his thanks to Elvis and on the success of the shows presents him with an all expenses paid trip to Hawaii plus eight others.
September 1
Elvis is back in L.A. and for the first time in almost ten years has nothing in his calendar until a scheduled recording session in January 1970. He spends the month restlessly flying between Las Vegas, L.A., Palm Springs and Memphis where he regularly hires the Memphian for all night movie screenings.
October 3
Elvis flies to L.A then onto Hawaii accompanied by Priscilla, Vernon and Dee along with the Espositos, Gambills, and Schillings in a trip largely financed by thee International Hotel.
October 12
Plans are drawn up for Elvis, Priscilla and some of the families to go to Europe on an extended holiday. Passport papers are finalized and everyone is ready to go until Parker hears of the plan. He explains to Elvis that his European fans would be greatly insulted for him to go over as a tourist and have no plans to do any shows. At first Elvis puts up a fight but soon the momentum is lost and on Parkers advice everyone heads for the Bahamas where the Colonel has contacts and they will enjoy the gambling.
Nov 7
Elvis again spends most of his time in Vegas and L.A. and whilst in L.A. takes karate lessons from Ed Parker who awards him with certificates of advancement largely based on his contributions to the sport.
Dec 18
Elvis returns to Memphis for the Christmas holidays, where he spends almost every night at the Memphian until his return to L.A. in January.
Dec 25
Vernon once again dresses up as Santa Clause. Elvis gives Priscilla a black fox coat while she gives him a black velvet suit plus shirts and trousers for his personal use designed by Bill Belew.
Dec 30
$612.41 worth of fireworks are delivered to Graceland for the annual New Years Eve display.
Dec 31
Elvis’ party is held at a new Memphis club TJ’s, where Alan Fortas is now working. Entertainment is provided by Ronnie Milsap, Flash and the Board of Directors and songwriter Mark James performs his song Suspicious Minds.

Posted by: NightRider Oct 14 2008, 04:59 PM

Excellent info of what was one of my favourite Elvis years.....great read. Thanks Steve thumbup.gif

Posted by: Jouni Oct 15 2008, 05:26 PM

Why don't you also add a few pictures to each date we have pictures from... 'cause I don't think that the typing is enough work for you. laugh.gif

But seriously, that's some typing you've done there, Steve! Great job... looking forward for more!

Posted by: Pacer Oct 15 2008, 11:26 PM

Thanks guys..appreciate your
Jouni Ive actually thought of putting pics in with the the relevant think I'll leave it till the last year is done..

Posted by: C.C.Rider Oct 17 2008, 12:28 PM

Nice read Steve thanks ! I agree. A few pictures would add to it. thumbup.gif

Posted by: pacer1965 Oct 18 2008, 09:54 PM

QUOTE (spanish eyes @ Mar 26 2008, 09:27 PM) *
Are you still having a rest in between years? lol

LSHIC.gif Almost forgot about this thread myself blush.gif

Thanks Steve great read thumbup.gif


Posted by: pacer1965 Oct 18 2008, 09:56 PM

QUOTE (Pacer @ Oct 16 2008, 12:26 AM) *
but think I'll leave it till the last year is done..

We could be waiting for quite along time to see them pics eh Steve whistling.gif wink.gif laugh.gif


Posted by: Pacer Oct 18 2008, 11:59 PM

QUOTE (pacer1965 @ Oct 18 2008, 10:56 PM) *
We could be waiting for quite along time to see them pics eh Steve whistling.gif wink.gif laugh.gif


whistling.gif whistling.gif saying nothing here... whistling.gif whistling.gif LSHIC.gif

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