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Elvis-TheKingsCourt _ Elvis Monthly _ Elvis The Man.

Posted by: Pacer Jul 18 2006, 08:53 PM

Elvis The Man

Since Elvis' death in 1977 there has been a huge upsurge in Elvis related products ranging from stuffed Hound Dogs to replica gold records and everything in between, these products have not always been in the best taste and fans have complained for years that such things do nothing but harm to Elvis' image.
And with recent products like the Elvis credit card, bicycle and the infamous rubber duck EPE have truly stooped to new lows.
Like many fans I believe that Elvis the commercial entity is over taking Elvis the human being.
EPE could well do with taking a step back and remembering that Elvis was a man, a very special man with a gift from god that he chose to share with the world the whole of his life but still just a man who felt joy and sorrow like anyone else.
Do they ever think about how nervous Elvis must have been when he first went into the recording studio to sing My Happiness.
Or the joy he must have felt to hear his first single being played on the radio. And just a couple of years later how happy he must have been to know he had made enough money to secure his parents and his own future for the rest of their lives after spending so many years in poverty.
Then the heartache he must have felt to loose his beloved mother just as everything was going so well for them, then, to be shipped off to a foreign country so soon after barely getting over her death, all this at the young age of 23.
Imagine the joy for Elvis to hold his new born baby daughter in his arms and how proud he was to become a father. And how pleased he must have felt to be finally free of Hollywood and be able to get back to live performances.
Again the heartbreak would follow with his divorce from Priscilla and her taking Lisa Marie away from him, that must have been devastating.
The happiness he must have felt as a result of the success of the Aloha show being beamed live around the world to millions, surely one of the pinnacles of his career.
The joy he must have felt having his daughter over to stay for holidays then the sadness when she had to leave to go back to her mother thousands of miles away.
Indeed all these emotions were felt by Elvis the man, the human being whom lived and breathed just like the rest of us.
He is not just a smiling face to help sell a credit card or a name on a child's bike and certainly not a rubber duck effigy. He was one of the most special people ever to walk this earth who gave so much of his talent that it cost him his life. EPE should take a moment and remember Elvis Presley the man.

Posted by: Brad Jul 18 2006, 08:58 PM

Very nice read Pacer. Thanks for posting.

Hope this eventually will make it to EPE, they really need to read it!

Posted by: LittleDarlin Jul 19 2006, 05:54 PM

Thanks Pacer enjoyed reading it [img]style_emoticons/default/cool2.gif[/img]

Posted by: spanish eyes Jul 20 2006, 10:28 PM

Great article Steve, but I have to tell you something I've got an Elvis hound dog in a pink jumpsuit, what!! it was a birthday present from my sisters [img]style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif[/img] and before you say anything no, I didn't ask for it [img]style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif[/img] lol

I have to agree with you, there are a lot of Elvis products out there, but its not just products, Elvis' name/image is used on tv eg to promote Kingsmill bread, for heaven's sakes, I can't stand that advert, it should be banned.

Yes Steve, most people forget there were two Elvis' so to speak - Elvis the superstar onstage and Elvis the man offstage.

The following Elvis quote seems so fitting for this topic "the image is one thing and the human being is another. It's very hard to live up to an image".

Posted by: Pacer Jul 27 2006, 02:02 AM

QUOTE (spanish eyes @ Jul 20 2006, 11:28 PM) *
The following Elvis quote seems so fitting for this topic "the image is one thing and the human being is another. It's very hard to live up to an image".

You couldn't have put it better Maria, but it seems that now the image is far outstripping or should I say out selling the human being.
And now with Mr.Sillerman in charge it's hard to see how anything will be any better but time will tell and I'm willing to give him a chance but that's about all.

Posted by: rebelgirl Oct 2 2007, 02:30 PM

Great article, Pacer.

Posted by: Pacer Oct 2 2007, 06:26 PM

Thanks rebelgirl and welcome to the forum..I hope you enjoyin your'e time here.

Posted by: elvislady Oct 10 2007, 02:39 PM

Thanks for the artical pacer it was a good read.
elvisady thanks.gif

Posted by: Pacer Oct 17 2007, 11:37 PM

your welcome elvislady..

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