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Elvis-TheKingsCourt _ _ Emoticons

Posted by: Suspicious Minds Oct 7 2008, 08:10 AM

Is there a limit on how many emoticons you can put on each post? rubberface.gif busted_cop.gif

7 seems acceptable but more than that it comes up with a notice saying you have used too many.

Posted by: pacer1965 Oct 7 2008, 10:27 AM

I think there is a limit Frank...I have done the same thing yes.gif


Posted by: Pacer Oct 7 2008, 03:52 PM

Yes there is it says so when you have put too many in a post... whistling.gif

Posted by: Suspicious Minds Oct 7 2008, 05:30 PM

If I knew the answer I would not ask the question.

Posted by: Pacer Oct 7 2008, 09:56 PM

QUOTE (Suspicious Minds @ Oct 7 2008, 09:10 AM) *
7 seems acceptable but more than that it comes up with a notice saying you have used too many.

Kind of answered itself.. confused.gif

Posted by: Suspicious Minds Oct 8 2008, 07:45 AM

What I was asking was what is the number of emoticons you can use each posting?

Posted by: C.C.Rider Oct 8 2008, 12:14 PM

QUOTE (Suspicious Minds @ Oct 8 2008, 08:45 AM) *
What I was asking was what is the number of emoticons you can use each posting?

undecided.gif undecided.gif undecided.gif undecided.gif undecided.gif laugh.gif

Guess its six then whistling.gif

oh...i used 7 ohmy.gif now 8

Posted by: Suspicious Minds Oct 8 2008, 02:51 PM

00000407.gif 00000407.gif LSHIC.gif thumbup.gif party42.gif
rubberface.gif thumbsup.gif banana.gif bunny.gif aggressive.gif

10 is acceptable now. So 10 is the limit up to now.

Posted by: NightRider Oct 8 2008, 06:02 PM

The limit per post is 10

Posted by: Oct 8 2008, 10:27 PM

QUOTE (Suspicious Minds @ Oct 8 2008, 08:45 AM) *
What I was asking was what is the number of emoticons you can use each posting?

Fancy no one realising this. I mean just how cheeky can some people be????
You ask a question and what they fail to understand is that you were meaning a totlaly different question to that which you asked.

Is there a limit on how many emoticons you can put on each post? answer type:Yes / No / dont know ...whatever
as opposed to
how many? answer type: 5 / 6 / 7 whatever.

How inconsiderate can some people be? They must have known you meant something completely different - after all, you make a habit of it enough rolleyes.gif

Posted by: Suspicious Minds Oct 9 2008, 08:57 AM

I found out the answer by testing it. The limit was 10 and I am not inconsiderate or cheeky.
It was a straight forward question.

Posted by: C.C.Rider Oct 9 2008, 12:05 PM

QUOTE (Suspicious Minds @ Oct 9 2008, 09:57 AM) *
I found out the answer by testing it. The limit was 10 and I am not inconsiderate or cheeky.
It was a straight forward question.

Take no notice Frank.

The post will probably become just ........... anyway before long. So its probably not worth the worry or even your reply rolleyes.gif

Posted by: Lindsaygirl Oct 9 2008, 12:32 PM

QUOTE (Suspicious Minds @ Oct 9 2008, 04:57 AM) *
I found out the answer by testing it. The limit was 10 and I am not inconsiderate or cheeky.
It was a straight forward question.

Nothing wrong with asking questions frank, if you don't ask you will never know and nope l don't think your cheeky, just someone who got questions thumbup.gif

Posted by: Suspicious Minds Oct 9 2008, 03:18 PM

Thanks Jen.

Posted by: Oct 9 2008, 05:52 PM


Posted by: NightRider Oct 9 2008, 06:28 PM

QUOTE ( @ Oct 9 2008, 06:52 PM) *
It will, it will, unless Chris pulls his finger out lol (Hey Chris, you not get my email replying to yours?)

No need for posts to stay there once the person(s) it was intended for has read it is there? Unless its the type of post that might serve a purpose for others in the future.
I dont consider my comments worthy of being kept in the first place beyond their intended purpose, maybe others on here feel their comments are more important and should stay for longer.

I think people should ask questions, but asking a question then claiming you asked a totally different question is another matter altogether.

It helps if people can do two things, one is to say what they mean and the second is to mean what they say.

I dont think Frank was inconsiderate of cheeky either, and I'm glad I never said he was.
The question posed was straightforward but unfortunately wasn't the right question for what info was required. See the simple post by me above showing why (let me know if you need it dumbed down further.)

No need to thank me for the time and effort I've put in to helping to improve things for the future. rolleyes.gif

Steve...i have no idea what your talking either "your" e-mail...or the said original e-mail from me....maybe you should enlighten me.

Posted by: Oct 9 2008, 07:53 PM

Sorry about that, sure no problem, I can enlighten you, or at least attempt to.

You emailed me some months ago with:
"You account is now approved. Should you still require me to delete it, please let me know."

I replied the other day using that said same email (so you'd know what i was on about lol) with:
"Yes please, if you would be so kind, I would appreciate it very much.
Many thanks in advance."

Sent on 6th October 20:28 UK time

Can you give me a clue as to which bit specifically in "my" email it is that you dont know what I'm talking about ?
You offered but asked me to let you know. So i took you up on your offer and politely agreed to accept it by letting you know and thanked you in advance for it.

I really sorry about this but i'm struggling to explain it better or in another way in which you'll understand. It's the only way(s) i kinda know, again my apologies for this.

Okay, maybe I could look at it the other way.
Say I started cussing on here and swearing in every post and using the bbcode to avoid getting it censored. You would warn me about it, ammend my posts and we'd move on.
But what if I kept doing it even after I'd been warned loads of times?
I'd be "banned" as people refer to it. But in essence the account is deleted.
So what I guess I thought you were offering me and what I thought I was taking you up on is the same as the result would be if i had sworn a lot and ignored warnings about it.

Is that assisting with getting us closer to understanding each other?

Just another thought, maybe I should have confirmed with you what you meant when you said:
"Should you still require me to delete it, please let me know"
Instead of assuming you meant that if I still required you to delete it to just let you know.

Can we start again? LOL
What did you mean when you said:
"Should you still require me to delete it, please let me know" ?

Posted by: NightRider Oct 9 2008, 09:36 PM

My friend....( if thats not the correct term, forgive me....however it is the way i am), you are making no sense. I was asked by yourself to delete the account. I was away from the board for several days. Upon returning, i saw that you had registered. I assumed at the time it was because you were not approved, that you asked me to delete your account (via e-mail). Hence the offer (via reply) to "still" delete it if you wished.

As that is now some time will have to forgive me not knowing what you were on about. Thank you for reminding me. I have had no e-mails from you since then.....

Okay, maybe I could look at it the other way.
Say I started cussing on here and swearing in every post and using the bbcode to avoid getting it censored. You would warn me about it, ammend my posts and we'd move on.
But what if I kept doing it even after I'd been warned loads of times?
I'd be "banned" as people refer to it. But in essence the account is deleted.
So what I guess I thought you were offering me and what I thought I was taking you up on is the same as the result would be if i had sworn a lot and ignored warnings about it.

Not sure why you felt the need to add all that too...... A simple reminder was all that was needed. I will offer again ( though of course not due to any other factor other than it seems to me to be what you want).....should you wish me to delete your account...let me know.

Posted by: Oct 9 2008, 11:21 PM

QUOTE (NightRider @ Oct 9 2008, 10:36 PM) *
My friend....( if thats not the correct term, forgive me....however it is the way i am), you are making no sense. I was asked by yourself to delete the account. I was away from the board for several days. Upon returning, i saw that you had registered. I assumed at the time it was because you were not approved, that you asked me to delete your account (via e-mail). Hence the offer (via reply) to "still" delete it if you wished.

As that is now some time will have to forgive me not knowing what you were on about. Thank you for reminding me. I have had no e-mails from you since then.....
Not sure why you felt the need to add all that too...... A simple reminder was all that was needed. I will offer again ( though of course not due to any other factor other than it seems to me to be what you want).....should you wish me to delete your account...let me know.

It "seems" to you to be what i want? Oh Lordy, LOL
I can't have expressed it very well. It is most definitely something i desire very very very much. i want this a lot. The degree to which i want this cannot be expressed as a number because the digit is too long to fit in the maximum post size allowed. All my birthdays wouldn't be enough to match this unless I live to be 306 years old , LOL

I added all that before as a belt and braces because i had no idea as to what extent I was not making sense, you didnt say or indicate any degree.

I wish for you to delete my account, i am letting you know.

I hope this isnt too much time between you offering and me accepting, but in case it is again and you've forgotten then I'll have to give up.

I'm sorry, again my apologies but i thought I had already given you a simple reminder by including your offer in the email with which to remind you. i did so as it had been sometime and you might have forgotten hence the simplest of reminders - your own words lol.

I still require you to delete it - I am letting you know lol

Yes please, if you would be so kind, I would appreciate it very much.
Many thanks in advance.
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: 24 December 2007 18:46
Subject: Re: xxxxx xx xxx forums

Hi xxxxx,

I have to approve all new accounts, simply because of the volume of spammers registering of late.Although this is usually pretty quick, i was away all of yesterday and most of today.

You account is now approved. Should you still require me to delete it, please let me know.




Keep up the good work that you do here for all the Elvis fans and long may your good work be appreciated by all and the many many new fans yet to come.
This is one of the premium Elvis sites in the world and I hope it continues to be so and to achieve even higher esteem amongst fans.

Posted by: NightRider Oct 10 2008, 06:47 AM

Oh.....why didn't you say laugh.gif

some people......Steve is a very different guy from the one i remember at FECC so long ago....oh well...i will leave it there no.gif

Posted by: C.C.Rider Oct 10 2008, 12:10 PM

Why on earth do people register in the first place - if they then want to be deleted ???

Sorry guys, i would have NO time for people like that. Nothing but OTT Sarcasm too. Don't figure whistling.gif

Posted by: Suspicious Minds Oct 11 2008, 08:46 AM

I only asked a straight forward question. If I knew the answer I wouldn't ask.
As far as I know I did say anything wrong to make somebody delete their account.
I have been told lots of times if you find out something just ask.

Posted by: Elvis_Priestly Oct 11 2008, 10:45 AM

QUOTE (Suspicious Minds @ Oct 11 2008, 09:46 AM) *
I only asked a straight forward question. If I knew the answer I wouldn't ask.
As far as I know I did say anything wrong to make somebody delete their account.
I have been told lots of times if you find out something just ask.

Don't worry yourself Frank, someone was just using this thread as an excuse to get some attention.

Never ceases to amaze me: ohmy.gif ohmy.gif ohmy.gif ohmy.gif ohmy.gif ohmy.gif ohmy.gif ohmy.gif ohmy.gif

edited to add: oooooo 10 emoticons (including this one biggrin.gif)

Posted by: Suspicious Minds Oct 11 2008, 11:11 AM

I am not losing sleep over it anyway. taz.gif

Posted by: NightRider Oct 11 2008, 06:04 PM

QUOTE (Suspicious Minds @ Oct 11 2008, 12:11 PM) *
I am not losing sleep over it anyway. taz.gif

Sure wouldn't Frank....had nothing to do with you. I think Conor summed up well enough.

Posted by: Suspicious Minds Oct 19 2008, 09:32 AM

You have your TKC emoticon but no Welcome to the TKC emoticon.
Is there any chance of one like that?

Posted by: NightRider Oct 20 2008, 09:35 PM

QUOTE (Suspicious Minds @ Oct 19 2008, 10:32 AM) *
You have your TKC emoticon but no Welcome to the TKC emoticon.
Is there any chance of one like that?

The site i used to use for emoticons is now closed down. Will have to start doing my own.... undecided.gif

Posted by: pacer1965 Nov 9 2008, 12:04 AM

The only one we have is this one :sign: but it's out of date with the addy


Posted by: C.C.Rider Nov 19 2008, 01:20 PM

Couple of new ones i see !!

welcome2.gif tkc_new.gif thumbup.gif thumbup.gif

Posted by: Suspicious Minds Nov 19 2008, 01:50 PM

QUOTE (C.C.Rider @ Nov 19 2008, 03:20 PM) *
Couple of new ones i see !!

welcome2.gif tkc_new.gif thumbup.gif thumbup.gif

I have just seen these two emiticons.
I will use the Welcome from now on.

Posted by: tcbndixie Nov 19 2008, 02:10 PM

QUOTE (C.C.Rider @ Nov 19 2008, 07:20 AM) *
Couple of new ones i see !!

welcome2.gif tkc_new.gif thumbup.gif thumbup.gif

Cool...very cool!! thumbup.gif Thanks to the powers that be very much!! notworthy.gif

Posted by: NightRider Nov 19 2008, 08:12 PM

Hey...i get there in the end ya know cheers.gif tkc_new.gif

Posted by: pacer1965 Nov 19 2008, 11:42 PM

Thanks Chris I just noticed them too thumbup.gif


Posted by: Bradley Nov 20 2008, 08:08 AM

Very cool Chris welcome2.gif tkc_new.gif

Posted by: Suspicious Minds Nov 26 2008, 09:00 AM

I just thought. There is no Congratulations emoticon.
Please can we have a Congratulations emoticon.

Posted by: NightRider Nov 26 2008, 05:39 PM

QUOTE (Suspicious Minds @ Nov 26 2008, 09:00 AM) *
I just thought. There is no Congratulations emoticon.
Please can we have a Congratulations emoticon.

NO ! whistling.gif


Oh....ok... rubberface.gif cool.gif

Posted by: Suspicious Minds Nov 27 2008, 05:54 PM

Thanks Chris.


Posted by: Suspicious Minds Dec 1 2008, 09:08 AM

Another year nearly over.
Please can we have separate Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year emoticons.

Posted by: Suspicious Minds Jan 24 2009, 10:17 AM

With Valentines Day just around corner.
Please can we have Happy Valentines Day and that kissmequick emoticons on the reply Emoticon board.

Posted by: NightRider Jan 25 2009, 09:35 AM

Will see what i can do this week Frank thumbup.gif

Posted by: Suspicious Minds Dec 31 2010, 12:26 PM

Please can we have a Happy New Year and a Happy Valentine's Day emoticons.

Posted by: Suspicious Minds Dec 31 2011, 10:55 AM

Is there a Happy New Year emoticons?

Posted by: NightRider Dec 31 2011, 04:36 PM

QUOTE (Suspicious Minds @ Dec 31 2011, 10:55 AM) *
Is there a Happy New Year emoticons?

Don't believe so Frank...and don't have the time to find/make one sad.gif

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